Essence and varieties of projects in the sphere of culture


  • Olesia Komarnitska



The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and propose varieties of projects in the field of culture, as well as to identify the principal criterion for their division. The research methodology is based on the application of a systemic approach, as well as analytical, synthetic, and cultural methods, which made it possible to comprehensively consider the essence and types of projects in the field of culture and, on this basis, to formulate reasonable conclusions. The scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in clarifying the principal criterion for dividing projects in the field of culture (competition basis and grant funding by state/non-state and other institutions), defining projects in the field of culture as a set of their varieties: socio-cultural (socio-cultural), cultural, artistic projects. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, based on the analysis of numerous interpretations of the concept of "project" and consideration of their most representative examples in the field of culture, the difference between various types of projects in the field of culture was clarified, and the principal criterion for their division was also indicated. It is emphasised that project activity in the field of culture, as a way of organising, identifying and increasing the resource potential of the latter, a means of interaction with authorities, the public and partners, is a specific form of regulation of sociocultural processes. Project activity is increasingly becoming an auxiliary and, at the same time, innovative tool for managing cultural institutions, giving the subjects of cultural activity the opportunity to implement various creative ideas. The implementation of projects in the field of culture on a competitive basis and with the financial support of various grantmakers contributes to the creation of a civilized market of cultural goods and services for citizens of the country and foreign tourists, as well as strengthening the cultural presence of Ukraine abroad.





