Realism as a Tool for the Revival of Classical Traditions in the Painting Work of Olga Karpenko


  • Yuliia Romanenkova



The purpose of the work is to update the tools of realism as one of the main methods of preserving classical traditions in the art of painting by the representative of Kyiv artist Olga Karpenko. The methodology of the work is based on the use of a holistic method for a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of modern painting and the manner of O. Karpenko as its segment, a chronological method for the sequential consideration of the stages of the formation of the artist's personal creative style, a comparative method for comparing the characteristic features of the author's creative manner of different stages, an iconographic method for the analysis of individual works. The scientific novelty of the investigation is determined by the fact that in modern art literature there are currently few studies devoted to the realistic manner in the work of modern domestic artists, and in the context of the work of O. Karpenko, the question has not yet been asked in this way. The bibliography of the subject is very limited, so each new exploration is an important step in filling this lacuna. Conclusions. The creative work of the Kyiv artist Olga Karpenko is one of those cornerstones on which you can build a comprehensive idea of the trends in the development of modern national painting. It is multi-component, synthesises manifestations of stylistic features of various manners, directions, combines manifestations of various types of art, techniques. Among the main distinctive features of O. Karpenko's manner is that she belongs to those representatives of the younger generation who try to preserve the traditions of academic painting, which is facilitated by the appeal to a realistic manner. It is the analysis of the role of realism in the creative manner of the artist that is the main goal of this investigation, which is designed to actualise the problem of the role and place of realism as a way of seeing the world in the modern artistic space. At the same time, there is the problem of experimentation in creativity and the coexistence of a realistic manner with a tendency to experiment.






Art, decorative art, restaurant