Kyiv Modern Ballet in the Optics of Scientific Opinion: Historiographical Studies


  • Dmytro Kondratiuk



Purpose of Research is to analyse the scientific historiography of the Kyiv Modern Ballet’s creations. Methodology. The methods of analysis, systematisation, comparison, and theoretical generalisation were used to conduct an objective study. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the scientific historiography of the Kyiv Modern Ballet is systematised. Conclusions. Among the studies devoted to various aspects of the work of the Kyiv Modern Ballet, scientific articles prevail; the authors of monographs and dissertations also refer to the company's activities (V. Zinchenko, M. Pohrebniak, O. Hres, and others). Rather conventionally, the scientific historiography of the Kyiv Modern Ballet can be divided into groups: works that position the company as a large-scale cultural and artistic phenomenon (H. Veselovska, O. Manshylin, A. Nebesnyk, M. Pohrebniak, I. Soloviova, Yu. Stanishevskyi, and others); works devoted to the periodisation of the Kyiv Modern Ballet's creations (A. Nebesnyk); art studies of individual ballet performances from the company's repertoire, in particular, ballets of classical heritage (O. Bihus, M. Korostelova, A. Pidlypska) and other performances (O. Afonina, Yu. Bentia, O. Hres, L. Khotsianovska ta H. Perova, and others). Among the issues that are insufficiently developed in the scientific discourse are the cultural-creating role of "Kyiv Modern Ballet" in the domestic and world cultural field;e periodisation of the Kyiv Modern Ballet's work from 2016 to the present; artistic features of the choreographic work of artists within and outside the theatre; the restoration of ballets that have been absent from the repertoire for a long time; preservation and transmission of performance traditions in the theatre, etc.




