Motives of Ethnodesign in Modern Visual Culture


  • Ilona Syvash



The purpose of the article is to reveal the role of ethnodesign in the formation of specifically Ukrainian features in modern visual culture, which contributes to self-identification and consolidation of the Ukrainian nation. The research methodology is based on methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalisation, a cross-cultural approach, which made it possible to establish signs of national and cultural identification in modern design creativity, which are the driving force for socio-cultural changes, to unify Ukrainian society. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the actualisation of the role of ethnodesign in providing modern visual culture with national features, which is important in the current wartime conditions, when the issue of Ukrainian national identity has become particularly acute. Conclusions. Visual identification of national culture requires the creation of an environment that reflects the cultural values, traditions and heritage of the nation. Ethnodesign plays an important role in preserving the identity of the people, as it embodies cultural and traditional values in various spheres of life. This, in particular, occurs through the application, quoting and reinterpretation of traditional Ukrainian motifs, colour palette, elements of national symbols, fonts with a Ukrainian historical visual basis, images of national traditions and rituals. Graphic design is the driving force of visual communication today. It reflects the prevailing ideology, social norms and cultural transformations. The use of ethnodesign in business is a way to emphasise its belonging to the self-sufficient Ukrainian nation rich in cultural traditions and to attract the attention of the audience with the help of "Ukrainisation" of such aspects as: logo, advertising, packaging, products, social media and websites, corporate events and activities. The influence of graphic design is not limited to commerce, it is also a powerful tool for socio-cultural changes, to the consolidation of Ukrainian society. The rethought and modernised style of ethnodesign brings it to the level of cross-culturalism. The digital revolution brought ethnic design to a new level, opened up opportunities for unlimited experiments with typography, colours, layouts.





Art, decorative art, restaurant