Problem of Cultural Relocation in the Conditions of a Full-Scale Russian-Ukrainian War


  • Valentyna Mamedova



The purpose of the article is to conceptualise the features of cultural relocation and identify promising areas of research into cultural relocation in Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war (from February 24, 2022) from the standpoint of modern cultural studies. Research methodology. The following methods were used: analytical, terminological and comparative analysis, structural-functional, and modelling. Scientific novelty. The phenomenon of cultural relocation in the conditions of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war is considered; the concept of “cultural relocation” is clarified and its own definition is proposed; promising areas of research into cultural relocation in Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war in modern cultural studies are outlined. Conclusions. Cultural relocation in Ukraine in the context of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war is the forced movement / relocation of cultural and art institutions, collectives and individual representatives of cultural and creative industries, as well as cultural values within and outside the territory of Ukraine, for security reasons and in order to ensure the possibility of preserving and reproducing material and spiritual cultural values, creating, distributing and popularising a modern Ukrainian cultural product / service. The study found that the most common types of cultural relocation in Ukraine as of 24 February 2024 are: institutional cultural relocation (relocation of cultural and art institutions); group cultural relocation (relocation of a group of artists (musicians, actors, dancers, among others), representatives of one or more creative collectives); personal cultural relocation (relocation of an artist or cultural figure); value relocation (relocation of cultural values); territorial cultural relocation: international, regional, intraregional. Mass cultural relocation in Ukraine in 2022–2024 led to: the intensification of the trend of digitalisation of cultural and art institutions; the development of new cultural practices; contributed to the diversification of traditional forms of cultural products and formats of cultural services. One of the promising areas of research is seen as: the development of the issues of the creolisation concept of culture, which consists in the creation of new cultural forms by representatives of the Ukrainian cultural and art industry who have undergone international relocation and their foreign colleagues; new formats of cultural products and practices mediated by digital technologies, the emergence of which was due to the importance of representation for both the Ukrainian consumer and the foreign one.




