
  • Yuliya Kapliyenko-Iliuk A. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy, Україна


Ключові слова:

violin transcriptions, violin cover versions, interpretations for violin, composers of Bukovyna, Yuriy Gina.


The purpose of the paper is to analyse and characterize one of the fields of work of Yuriy Gina – violin cover versions, interpretations and transcriptions; to reveal the peculiarities of the Bukovynian composer's work on the borrowed material. Methodology. The methods of historical-cultural, theoretical and genre-style analysis were used and allowed to determine the basic principles of covering the works of other composers in the creative work of Y. Gina. The scientific novelty consists in scientific understanding of the process of development of professional musical art of Bukovyna; in revealing peculiarities of creative thinking of the composers of the region; in clarifying the principles of violin music of the region; in the analysis of music by Y. Gina, whose works have not been sufficiently studied in contemporary musicology. Conclusions. Particular importance in the creative work of Yuriy Gina is acquired by the works intended to be performed by the violin or by ensemble violin composition, which is closely linked with the performer's activities of the composer. Among the works of Y. Gina quite distinguishable are the cover versions and interpretations of the works of other composers. As a result of the analysis of this field of the artist’s work, the basic principles of work on the borrowed material were discovered and there was determined relevance of this genre type to transcriptions. It has been mentioned that the purpose of this composer experiment was not only the replenishment of the repertoire for the violin and the violin ensemble, but also the desire to reinterpret the content and components of the musical form in a new way, to add virtuosity to works that were intended for another composition of performers. Consequently, on the basis of violin transcriptions of Y. Gina, one can identify the features of an individual style of the composer.

Біографія автора

Yuliya Kapliyenko-Iliuk, A. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy

PhD in Arts, associate professor, doctoral student


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