Estimation of the adaptive potential of cardiovascular system of i year students
adaptive potential, estimation, cardiovascular system, students of a high educational institutionAbstract
The article determines the state of the adaptive potential of the cardiovascular system and health status of student youth. It was established, that there is observed the general regularity of the increase of cardiovascular diseases, worsening of functional reserves of the organism, decrease of the physical preparation level. It was noted, that according to WHO data, the absence of physical activity is considered today as the forth main risk factor as to the mortality level throughout the world. It is indicated, that up to 90 % of pupils and students have deviations in health status, 30–50 % of them – unsatisfactory physical preparation.
There is studied the adaptive potential of the cardiovascular system of students of 1 year at the beginning and at the end of the academic year. There was established the high dependence of the adaptive potential of the cardiovascular system on the systolic arterial pressure (r=0,77). The essential dependence of the adaptive potential of the cardiovascular system on the diastolic arterial pressure (r=0,69) and heart rate is traced (r=0,40). The changes of the adaptive potential of the cardiovascular system are studied. The number of persons with the satisfactory adaptation level increased from 58,75 % to 86,25 %. The number of female students with the observed strain of adaptation mechanisms at the end of the academic year became 13,75 % compared with 17,5 % at the beginning of the academic year. Male students with the unsatisfactory adaptation and adaptation disturbance were not observed for the end of the academic compared with its beginning (13,75 % and 10 % respectively). The practical recommendations as to independent activities were given: 50–60 minutes, 3–5 times a week must be devoted to walking, running, slaps on a skipping rope, bicycling, movable games (football, basketball, tennis, volleyball, badminton), movement with a rhythmic music, aerobics
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