Research of quality indicators / results of educational activities of general education university in Ukraine


  • Iryna Klymchuk Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Sichovykh Striltsiv str., 52-D, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



educational activity, indicators of quality / performance evaluation, level of quality, competence, benevolence, comfort


The analysis of the system of indicators / criteria for assessing the quality / effectiveness of educational activities of institutions of general secondary education in different regions of Ukraine is carried out. Interpretation of the results of the study consisted of the main indicators of the assessment of the quality / effectiveness of educational activities of the institutions of general secondary education. The results of the conducted survey on the main indicators of the quality / performance evaluation of educational institutions of general secondary education were presented, which were grouped according to the four main quality criteria, namely: indicators characterizing the general criterion for assessing the quality of educational activities of institutions of general secondary education on the openness and accessibility of information about institutions; indicators characterizing the general criterion for assessing the quality of educational activities of institutions of general secondary education, regarding the comfort of conditions in which educational activities are carried out; indicators characterizing the general criterion for assessing the quality of educational activities of general educational institutions, on the benevolence, courtesy and competence of pedagogical workers; indicators characterizing the general criterion for assessing the quality of educational activities of institutions of general secondary education, as to satisfaction with the quality of educational activities of the school.

 Graphically presented results of the survey - typical responses to the opinion polls of teachers / school leaders on the criteria / indicators for assessing the quality of the school work, are identified as the most significant ones, taking into account the effectiveness and forecasting of the development of institutions of general secondary education in Ukraine.

The analysis of the relationship between the criteria of the effectiveness / quality of educational activities and the optimization of the school functioning is realized, taking into account the tendencies and requirements of modern education development in the context of Ukraine's European integration, namely: the prognostic aspect - for choosing the best option for making a managerial decision; the evaluation aspect - to assess the ongoing / planned events, build a forecast for the development of the school; the control aspect - for the coordination of the work of institutions of general secondary education, the development of normative acts; motivational aspect - to assess the level of intellectual development, further motivation and self-education of all participants in the educational process; cognitive-activity aspect - to assess the depth of integration of knowledge and professional experience, forecasting the future development of the school

Author Biography

Iryna Klymchuk, Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Sichovykh Striltsiv str., 52-D, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

Ph.D., Senior Researcher


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How to Cite

Klymchuk, I. (2018). Research of quality indicators / results of educational activities of general education university in Ukraine. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (25), 27–31.



Pedagogical Education