New possibilities of use of oat raw materials for investigation of biologically active components in therapy of experimental diabetes
Avena Sativa, straw, extraction, polyphenols, antioxidants, fatty acids, experimental diabetesAbstract
Aim of the work is to suggest the technology of aqua dynamic extraction of bioactive substances from oat straw. The amount of the extract and the concentration of extracted substances depend on the duration of extraction process. The composition of the investigated phytocomplex is established by nuclear magnetic resonance. Fatty acids composition of the phytocomplex of the oat straw extract was studied by gas chromatography. The possibility of using a phytocomplex from an oat straw extract is shown in the study of the metabolism of myocardium lipids in experimental animals with a diabetes model.
Methods of research: to optimise the process of aqueous extraction of the oat straw that in prospect, with the help of dynamic character and increased temperatures, can prevail obvious disadvantages of technology offered before; in order to evaluate the differences in the content of the mixtures of the substances, received from the primary extract was noted observation Н1–NMR spectra in D2O; was performed gas chromatographic analysis of the fatty acids spectrum in the studied phytocomplex and in the lipids of the white blood cells of the myocardium; modeling of diabetes was performed by intraperitoneal streptozotocin injection at dose of 55 mg per kilo of body weight of rats during 6 weeks.
Results: was developed more economically expedient approach to obtain a phytocomplex by extracting oat straw with full preservation of biologically active substances. Fatty acid composition of the phytocomplex of the oat straw extract was studied by gas chromatography. Composition of the phytocomplex of the oat straw extract was studied by nuclear magnetic resonance
Conclusions: The possibility of using a phytocomplex from an oat straw extract in the study of the metabolism of myocardium lipids in experimental animals with a model of diabetes is shownReferences
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