


game, game technology, servicemen the combatants


The article analyzes the general approaches to the problem of the use of gaming technologies in working with the servicemen the combatants. There are presented in the research various scientific approaches to the essence of the concept of “game”. It is a special pedagogical creation; a manifestation of individual and collective game activity; an expression of a person’s attitude to an event, processes, phenomena; a mean of obtaining social experience. It is characterized gaming technologies as a group of methods and techniques for organizing a rehabilitation process in the form of various games. The advantages of gaming technology during the rehabilitation of a serviceman are the ability to obtain knowledge and form appropriate skills; to make a decision; to evaluate own actions and actions of partners; to develop a strategy and tactics of their own actions. It is established that in conducting any kind of games with the combatants it is necessary to observe the technology. The technology involves three stages. The first stage focuses on the preparation for the conduct of a training session in a gaming form. It contains the content, game script, gameplay stages, clear step-by-step instruction for combatants. At the second stage, the game is being conducted directly. It is aimed at revealing the internal (psychological), external (physical) and social activity of the servicemen. The third stage is intended to summarize the results of the game, formulate the conclusions, and identify the positive aspects of the game’s effectiveness to their personal growth by the soldiers. The attention is focused on the principles of the game. They are binding and interrelated – simulating the simulation of specific conditions; problem content of the business game; joint activity of participants in conditions of role interaction; dialogic communication and interaction of the game partners; two-plan game activity

Author Biography

Yuriy Bryndikov, Khmelnytskyi national university Khmelnytskyi

PhD in psychological sciences, Associate professor, Department of social work and social pedagogy


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