
  • Golnaz Asledini
  • Moein Mohebalian




Abstract. Kant says that geography is effective on our fate and even genetic and it also can be proposed that it has direct impact on economy, policy and society’s culture. The main purpose of this article is to express religious and geological rituals through performance interpretation through vast distant approach like Iran country. The country being considered as a religious one, though its rituals has been diminished. Probably its people like their society have been being decentered due to time conditions and postmodern elements. Nowadays human in universal range puts his science and technology in challenge and apparently this person has his own resistant ideas against religious structures owing to
experiencing freedom. A question can be proposed here as follows, do these posturing in each era leads to being comprehensive or not? And what kind of effect does religious ritual like Taazie in Iran have on society? Are these ritual incompatible with performance as a “postmodern theory”? We mean human’s physiological reflections to his present situation by mentioning performance. Therefore, this article is after a modern political outlook which has connection with performance and Taazie and even can be regarded as a new sociopolitical paradigm in Iran Taazie. Supposing that it is a decentered ritual regarding actor and spectator position on stage according to self-discovery and god-fearing. This
article keeps going to magnify the postmodern characteristics of theater and ritual and also eliminate the dust of this religious play in order to achieve to new approach. Physical, mental, individual and social effects will be discussed as funding. It’s worth telling that by compounding far past and postmodernism tenses some dialectic will be created which we hope to have great impact on public. Unfortunately, there is no book about Taazie and performance title. There are some relevant articles in last five years such as statics of women performance in Tazzie by Narges Hashempoor (2017) and corresponding analysis of theater and Taazie with emphasis of actor/shabih interaction according to Peter Brook and
Richard Schechner theories by Moein Mohebalian (2016) which has more emphasis of environmental theater. Aim of this article is to show the actor and audience unity on the basis of observer and observed and creator and created relation deficiency. On the other hand, relationship between performance and Taazie will be clarified with emphasis on actor and audience. To catch the so-called statements, first concepts of religion and performance will be defined, then actor and
audience relationship and its social feedback is going to be represented.
Keywords: Performanc, Religion, Taazie, Actor, Audience


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