
  • Alireza Saybani
  • Nafiseh Araghi



Abstract. Environmental protection is a necessity that everyone insists on it and the international law has declared every action by the states that would cause a harm or loss to the environment to be a subject of international liability. It is needless to say that whenever this international responsibility of the states is used in a correct fashion it can reduce the damages done to the environment. This requires comprehensive cooperation in the international community whose lack is felt today. The current study uses a descriptive and analytic method to assay various aspects of the liability of the states before the losses resulted from the damages to the environment. This research has shown that the "principle of sustainable use of land" is a proper basis for acceptance of the liability of states before the possible environmental damages. This basis in the sources of international law is among some conventions or decisions that have been adopted by the authorities in charge of investigation of international cases. However, it seems that one can consider it an example of the common rules or general principles of international laws and for this reason; it is binding for all countries. Of course, taking the states liable before the environmental damages requires some conditions to be fulfilled including attribution of the action to the state and violation of an international treaty (committing an international crime) in the presence of which the state should compensate the damages via paying indemnity.
Key words: International Responsibility of States, Environmental Damages, Principle of Sustainable Use of
Land, International Liability.


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