
  • Neerosha Rajah
  • Amir Aris



Abstract. In this day and age, there is growing responsiveness towards innovation as a mean to compete in the worldwide pressures from surroundings. Employees as source of ideas play a crucial role in the innovation process. Therefore, innovative work behaviour is of interest when comes to organizations’ innovation, as is the case for public sector. Consequently, researcher wanted to get more intuition in the innovation process because of the fact that decrease in organization innovation capacity. Moreover, it was anyway of interest to get a better understanding of innovation as strategic pillar and the role of employees and human resource development in this context. As a result, this study is to investigate intrapreneurial competencies that foster innovative work behaviour of employees and the role of human resource development in moderating the relationship between the variables. The research was completed by using quantitative method and there were 60 questionnaires from public officers in UTeM. The analysis method used was regression analysis for hypothesis testing in this research and the results showed that there have significant relationships between intrapreneurial competencies, human resource development and innovative work behavior. It is believed that this research paper will beneficial to the industry practitioners and academicians for future reference.
Key words: intrapreneurial competencies, human resource development, innovative work behaviour, UTeM.


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