
  • Ha Nam Khanh Giao



Abstract. The study aimed to identify and measure the factors affecting the decision to purchase online airline tickets in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (HCMC) by surveying 536 customers aged 18 and over who bought airline tickets online and live in Ho Chi Minh City. The SPSS 20 tool was used to analyze the reliability of the scale through the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, EFA exploratory factor analysis, AMOS 22 software to calibrate the scale by CFA confirmatory factor analysis, and evaluated by linear SEM analysis. Research results show that positive impact factors, decreasing by their strength, include: Perceived benefit, Perceived ease of use, Reputation of the airline, Subjective norm, Reliability. Meanwhile, Risk perception has a negative impact on the intention to buy airline tickets of customers. Research also indicates that the intention to purchase airline tickets online has an impact on purchase decisions. The results also help managers recognize the importance of the factors that affect the buying behavior of the consumers, and
consequently make appropriate strategic adjustments and actions in the competitive process for online airline tickets presently.
Keywords: online airline ticket, HCMC consumers, purchase intention, purchase decision


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