Antibacterial activity of phytosubstants from Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves


  • K Tsemenko National Pharmaceutical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine,


phytosubstantion, leaves, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, antibacterial activity


The purpose of the work is to study the antibacterial activity of phytosubstances from Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves. Materials and methods. The objects of the study were 13 phytosubstances, obtained from Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves. The study of antibacterial activity of the extracts was performed by the method of diffusion in agar in the laboratory of biochemistry of microorganisms and nutrient medium of the Mechnikov Institute of Microbiology and Immunology under the direction of сandidate of biological sciences Osolodchenko T.P. The research and analysis of experimental data was carried out in comparison with the standard drug Inurec containing the concentrated extract of American cranberries 150 mg (manufactured by PHARMACEERY MANUFEKCHURIN SL SPAIN) Results. The most pronounced antibacterial effect was phytosubstance from Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves, which contains a complex of phenolic compounds with arginine, dissolved in 50% alcohol. It was found that amino acids in combination with phenolic compounds of Vaccinium vitis-idaea have an antibacterial effect on the main uropathogens. The polysaccharide complex of Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves manifested itself as an agent with a low level of antibacterial effect. The aglycones of the phenolic compounds of Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaf had less pronounced antibacterial effect than their glycosides. Conclusions. The study of antibacterial activity of 13 phytosubstantions from Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves was conducted. The most promising substance was a complex of glycosides of phenolic compounds from Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves with arginine. It has found that aminoacids potentiate the antibacterial effect of phenolic compounds of Vaccinium vitis-idaea, and polysaccharides, on the contrary, were inverted. Glycosides of phenolic compounds of Vaccinium vitis-idaea usually have a more pronounced antibacterial effect than their aglycones.


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How to Cite

Tsemenko, K. (2019). Antibacterial activity of phytosubstants from Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves. Annals of Mechnikov’s Institute, (3), 23–26. Retrieved from



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