Organizational and legal research of indicators of incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus in countryside areas


  • S Zbrozhek Committee of the healthcare of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv,
  • V Shapovalova Kharkiv medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv,
  • V Shapovalov Department of Health Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Kharkiv,
  • M Hmelevskiy Kharkiv medical Academy of Postgraduate Education,


diabetes mellitus, incidence, prevalence, circulation, antidiabetic medicines, pharmacy, forensic pharmacy, pharmaceutical law


Introduction. For recent decades in Ukraine populations’ health indicators became quite serious negative trends: increased mortality rates among people of working age, morbidity, reduced life expectancy and more. It should also be noted that one of the main indicators of the state, its civilization and competitiveness is the degree of orientation of the state to improve the health of citizens, legal and organizational improvement of the healthcare sector. The financial and economic crisis has significantly exacerbated the problems associated with the provision of medical care in Ukraine, ensuring its availability and good quality. The current healthcare system is fair and complaints from the public, and the medical staff, it is still not able to adequately meet the needs of the population in healthcare, to ensure the availability, quality and timeliness of health services, adequate prevention of morbidity, mortality and more. The need for healthcare reform emphasizes the failure to ensure the proper conditions existing in state funding and to implement effective schemes for full competition in the healthcare and pharmaceutical provision in countryside areas is therefore, in Ukraine implemented new organizational and legal approaches in reforming the health service. That is why in Ukraine implementing processes that are transparent, will reduce unnecessary costs for public administration and improve accessibility of the medications in countryside areas of different clinical and pharmacological, classification, nomenclature, legal and regulatory groups used in the pharmacotherapy of diabetes mellitus. Materials and methods. The organizational and legal, forensic and pharmaceutical researches were conducted in countryside areas at the regional level on example of the Kharkiv region on the basis of 62 public healthcare institutions, 16 public enterprises of healthcare and health companies of other ownership. Materials of the research were: the legal framework for the organization of pharmacy of the healthcare system in countryside areas; forensic and pharmaceutical practice concerning the complaints on countryside accessibility for their antidiabetic drugs; regional statistics of incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus. In conducting the research used the following methods: legal, documentary, bibliography, comparative, forensic and pharmaceutical, graphical analysis. Results and discussion. In the limited funding of the healthcare system and low pharmaceutical ensuring of patients with diabetes mellitus in countryside areas, the question of the optimal use of funds to avoid negative consequences, as evidenced presented in the article on an example of forensic and pharmaceutical practice. Among the possible reasons for such organizations to ensure pharmaceutical provision for privileged categories of citizens can point to the constant rise in prices for antidiabetic drugs and delay in timely registration of wholesale prices for these drugs. Also during the study was a comparative analysis of incidence and prevalence of diabetes at the regional level by the example of Kharkov region. The increase in the prevalence of diabetes is due to various factors, including stress, obesity, aging population, quality of food and life. The increase in the prevalence of the disease may indicate a lack of financing health systems, insufficient qualifications and training of medical personnel, the remoteness of rural health facilities and inadequate organization providing pharmaceutical rural antidiabetic drugs passivity farmers regarding preventive examinations, treatment their health, compliance with recommendations and a low level in the chain of relations "doctor - patient with diabetes mellitus - pharmacist." Conclusions. Diabetes mellitus treatment should be based on the principles of pharmaceutical law provided in Art. 4 of the Law of Ukraine "On the basis of legislation of Ukraine on healthcare" from the state budget. Also in reforming of the healthcare system must take into account the experience of the European Union, and the need to propose such changes to the legislation: - twice increased funding by providing targeted subsidies from the state budget; - Statement of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 02.07.2014 p. Number 240 "On reference of pricing for medicines and medical supplies procured for the state and local budgets"; - Annual review, update and adjust the list of antidiabetic drugs domestically who can buy HCF regional level in rural areas, fully or partially financed from state and local budgets approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 05.09.1996, number 1071 .


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How to Cite

Zbrozhek, S., Shapovalova, V., Shapovalov, V., & Hmelevskiy, M. (2019). Organizational and legal research of indicators of incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus in countryside areas. Annals of Mechnikov’s Institute, (1), 44–53. Retrieved from



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