Organization of availability of the circulation of antidiabetic medicines based on pharmaceutical law in Ukraine


  • S Zbrozhek The Committee for Health Protection of the Supreme Supreme For the sake of Ukraine,
  • VA Shapovalova Kharkiv medical academy of postgraduate education, Kharkiv;,
  • VV Shapovalov Kharkiv medical academy of postgraduate education, Kharkiv;,


pharmaceutical law, forensic pharmacy, circulation, pharmacies, antidiabetic medicines.


Introduction. In recent years as the global problem of healthcare in many countries acts diabetes, number of patients with this disease is growing and is already 4-6% of the population in developed countries. These indicators enable WHO experts include diabetes to one of the four priority non-infectious diseases and non-infectious epidemic of the 21st century. Because of chronic disease of diabetes decreases the quality of life of citizens, develops related diseases such as stroke, heart attack, blindness, kidney failure, amputation of the lower extremities causing deaths. Therefore, programs to combat diabetes and its prevention is a priority for national healthcare systems without exception countries. Materials and methods. Circulation of the registered antidiabetic medicines in Ukraine during pricing and delivery (example); forensic and pharmaceutical practice of the complaints and appeals on the availability for them of the antidiabetic medicines; pricing characteristics of the antidiabetic medicines over the period of 2012–2015. Methods: normative and legal, documentary, bibliographic, statistical, comparative, forensic and pharmaceutical, graphical analysis. Results and discussion. The study of organization of circulation of the antidiabetic medicines requires a systematic approach from the organizational, legal and forensic and pharmaceutical research. Today in Ukraine the arsenal of drugs for the treatment of diabetes presented with more than 85 registered antidiabetic drugs for trade names, of which 60% – insulin, and the remaining 40% – oral hypoglycemic drugs offered in a 210 release forms. Given forensic and pharmaceutical example shows that the barrier, which reduces the availability of antidiabetic medicines for diabetics at discounted prescription is mandatory registration of wholesale prices, because that price mechanism of registration by the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine interferes with the right of privileged contingent of citizens to timely access to vital antidiabetic drugs in full and the required range. It was also studied the availability of treatment antidiabetic medicines by pharmacoeconomic, forensic and pharmaceutical indicators and found the changes to the average price of antidiabetic drugs for the period from 2012 to 2015 according to changes of the US dollar exchange course, which reduced the availability of antidiabetic drugs for patients with diabetes. In difficult conditions, healthcare financing of urgent issues needs to achieve effective supplement of antidiabetic drugs with optimal use of funds. At the national and regional levels consistently implemented organizational and legal measures to improve the availability of antidiabetic drugs in the healthcare system for patients with diabetes: the development of a system of recovery of insulin; pharmaceutical needs for support from the targeted expenditure of regional budgets; targeted distribution of expenditures among local budgets of administrative units; control over pricing for antidiabetic drugs; optimization of implementation of the statement of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 73 "Questions of the realization of the pilot project concerning the introduction of state regulation of prices for insulin" by drafting the amendments thereto. Conclusions. Our studies indicate the need for in-depth reform of the healthcare system by providing subsidies from the state budget of Ukraine, the increase the accessibility of antidiabetic medicines for diabetics.


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How to Cite

Zbrozhek, S., Shapovalova, V., & Shapovalov, V. (2020). Organization of availability of the circulation of antidiabetic medicines based on pharmaceutical law in Ukraine. Annals of Mechnikov’s Institute, (4), 65–71. Retrieved from



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