Advancement in medical treatment of patients with acute respiratory viral infections


  • V Kopcha Gorbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University,
  • Yu Kopcha Gorbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University,


ARVI, treatment, Extralact.


Introduction. Acute respiratory viral infections are the special group of diseases, which in the structure of infectious pathology firmly occupies one of leading places. The problem of morbidity belongs to the number of leading medical problems not only in Ukraine but also in the whole world. In addition, there is a greater risk of epidemic flashes of acute respiratory infections in the conditions of megapolis with the expressed processes of migration and accumulation of people. Purpose of test – to promote efficiency of patients treatment with acute respiratory viral infections by complex application of preparation «Extralact» on a background traditional (base) therapy without the use of other antiviral preparations, thoroughly to probe influence on clinical motion of the indicated illnesses, endogenous intoxication and immune status of organism. Patients & methods. Under a supervision was 60 patients (22 men and 38 women) of young and middle age (hesitated from 18 to 58), which treated oneself concerning ARVI. Determined the indexes of Extralact efficiency: general duration of disease; frequency of development of complications; dynamics of clinical displays; dynamics of laboratory indexes, indexes of endogenous intoxication, and immunological indexes. Patients were randomised on 2 groups: a I group (30 persons – 50,0 %) got treatment of base therapy preparations; the II group (30 patients – 50,0 %) on a background base therapy got preparation «Extralact» for 2 capsules 3 times per days during 5 days.
Results & discussion. Based on the examination of 60 patients with ARVI established following. Addition of base therapy of such patients of extralact in a dose 2 caps. 3 times daily during 5 days was accompanied by a significant advantage compared with only basic therapy on several grounds: the greater the number of patients advancing recovery up to 7 days, most regressed cough, relatively less there were complications. After 5 days of extralact application WBC and relative content of stab neutrophils and lymphocytes is normalized, increased leukocyte index of intoxication, approaching normal values, significantly increases the index shift of leukocytes, significantly reduced lymphocytic index closer to normal. This treatment also provides reduction of immunological disorders detected before treatment. Thus, the statistical weight increases the number of white blood cells and normal lymphocytes, maintained at normal levels of IgA and lysozyme concentrations and normal or even increased levels of IFN-α and IFN-γ. On background application of extralact in a therapeutic dose by-reactions did not arise up.


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How to Cite

Kopcha, V., & Kopcha, Y. (2020). Advancement in medical treatment of patients with acute respiratory viral infections. Annals of Mechnikov’s Institute, (2), 84–90. Retrieved from



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