The role of bacterial factor and immunological сhanges in noninfectious diseases of microbial origin


  • O Korniychuk Lviv National Medical University named after Danil Galitsky,
  • M Tymkiv Lviv National Medical University named after Danil Galitsky,
  • O Melnyk Lviv National Medical University named after Danil Galitsky,
  • Z Vorobets Lviv National Medical University named after Danil Galitsky,


ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, colon cancer, immunity, E. coli


Introduction. Today during the study of the development mechanisms of any somatic disease possible participation of the microorganism as trigger factor or its influence on the course of the disease or development of complications is considered. Microflora participation in the etiopathogenesis of noninfectious diseases allows to divide the latest into the following groups: Naturally, the first aspects of the study of the role of microorganisms in the development of noninfectious diseases are pathological processes developing in the organs and systems of the body, which are natural biotope, particularly gastrointestinal tract. The imbalance in the functioning of the macroorganism (stress, poor diet) causes changes in the composition of endogenous microcenosis and therefore dysbiosis. Thus changes in the hormonal homeostasis, immunoreactivity, in the hypothalamic-adrenal system, speed of peristalsis of the intestines are observed, the overgrowth syndrome in the small intestine developes. A classic disease of a group of diseases that are accompanied by the development of erosive conditions are Helicobacter pylori - associated ulcerous disease of 12 duodenal ulcer. Diseases of the colon digestive canal can be divided into 2 groups - ulcerative colitis and tumors. Escherichia are the main representatives of facultative anaerobic microflora of the colon and are involved in the pathogenesis of both ulcerative colitis and cancer.

Material and methods. A study in order to compare the inducing impact of Escherichia lipopolysaccharide isolated from patients with nonspecific ulcerative colitis (NUC, N =38), Crohn's disease (CD, N =30) and colon cancer (CC, N =38), on the humoral and cellular (cytokine) links of immunity in ulcerative colitis and colon cancer. From the patients in both study groups and individuals from the control group E. coli were isolated from fecal for obtainining LPS. Synthesis induction of TNFα, IL.-8 and IL.-10 was conducted by lipopolysaccharide of own and intact E. coli and isolates from control persons.

Results and discussion. LPS isolated from E. coli strains isolated from patients with different clinical groups showed varying effects on the immune response. It was established that cytokines are produced to stimulation by antigens of own microflora more active than by the intact lipopolysaccharide. Moreover, it is typical for both proinflammatory and problastomic cytokines. The highest activity was found in lipopolysaccharide bacteria isolated in patients with Crohn's disease, for the pathogenesis of which immunopathological component was proved and which can accordingly cause certain features of the disease.

Trigger factors for developing reactive arthritis (ReA) microorganisms with obligate (Chlamydia, some viruses) or optional (Yersinia, Shigella, mycoplasma, Campylobacteria, salmonella) parasitism are considered to be. Research of subpopulation spectrum of blood lymphocytes of 20 persons with ReA was conducted. Slight decrease in absolute quantity of natural killers was registered. Thus, the relative index CD16 + 56 + in patients with ReA was 11,8 ± 1,21% to 14,92 ± 1,13 in almost healthy individuals. However, some activation of suppressor affects the immune-regulatory index (IRI). Its amount is 1.74, which generally remains within normal limits, but is 21.8% lower than IRI of control group.

Conclusion. Research of subpopulation composition of T- and B-chains of immunity at ReA to some extent confirm the theory of arthritogenic peptide of the disease development, according to which in the background of T-suppressors activation, induced by microbial triggers, a weakening of cellular immunity occurs, inflammatory reactions with the emergence of autoimmune background develops, that in case of involving muscle and bone system leads to ReA development. In the acute stage of the disease with signs of inflammation it is appropriate to conduct antimicrobial therapy as with ReA and with diseases of the colon also, on the basis of microbiological diagnosis and careful selection of antimicrobial treatment method. New methods of immunomodulating therapy are developed and implemented in practice.


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How to Cite

Korniychuk, O., Tymkiv, M., Melnyk, O., & Vorobets, Z. (2020). The role of bacterial factor and immunological сhanges in noninfectious diseases of microbial origin. Annals of Mechnikov’s Institute, (2), 228–233. Retrieved from



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