Development of technology of plant species for complex mastopathy therapy



technology, medicinal plant species, mastopathy


Introduction. At present, the range of medicines for the treatment of mastopathy is represented, for the most part, by foreign manufacturers, which are currently not economically available to the general population of Ukraine. Structure of the range of medicines used in mastopathy therapy, by country of origin. Almost 44% of the assortment is domestic products. That is, these drugs provide both physical (availability at the place of sale of the drug) and economic affordability (the price of the drug suits the consumer). Given the need to implement the principles of import substitution, the development of original domestic preparations based on medicinal herbs for the treatment of mastopathy is relevant. The use of standardized drugs based on medicinal plant raw materials (MPRM) will allow more comprehensive coverage of all pathogenetic mastopathy pathways, reduce the dosage of synthetic chemotherapy drugs, and pay more attention to the quality of women's rehabilitation while maintaining their health and reproductive function. The importance of the above has led to the development of a new drug in the form of collection for use in gynaecology, which includes various types of MPRM, capable of effectively acting on all the etiological and pathogenic links of mastopathy. The pharmaceutical market of Ukraine has no analogues of a standardized herbal remedy for complex treatment of mastopathy, but the available ingredients have long been used in folk medicine. Material & methods. Based on the results of pharmaco-technological studies, a technological scheme of obtaining non-dosed and dosed species for use in the complex treatment of mastopathy was developed. Results & discussion. The main stages of the process of collecting and the critical parameters that are monitored at each stage are identified. The technology of collecting in different types of packing is described: in aluminium foil packs, plastic bags and “Doy-packs” and filter bags.Vegetable raw materials used for the preparation of the drug must be subject to input control for compliance with regulatory requirements. “Mastonorm” species technology includes the following stages of the production process: preparation of medicinal plant raw materials, production of “Mastonorm” species, weighting, packaging and marking of the “Mastonorm” species. For dispensing, there is a step of filling, packing and labelling “Mastormorm” species into filter bags. Conclusion. The technology of “Mastonorm” species was developed. The technological scheme of obtaining “Mastonorm” species in industrial conditions was developed. The technological industrial regulation of production of the “Mastonorm” species in different types of packing has been developed: plastic bag enclosed in cardboard packs; aluminium foil packs; “Doy-packs” and filter packages of 1.5 g № 20.

Author Biography

S.S. Zuikina, National University of Pharmacy

доцент кафедри аптечної технологнії ліків


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How to Cite

Zuikina, S., & Vyshnevska, L. (2020). Development of technology of plant species for complex mastopathy therapy. Annals of Mechnikov’s Institute, (1), 12–17. Retrieved from



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