Component composition of a number of phenolic compounds in fruits Viburnum opulus l.
Introduction. Viburnum opulus L. (Viburnaceae) is the most common shrub in the temperate zone. In the wild state, it is found mainly in the western regions of Ukraine. But it is widely cultivated throughout the country. Viburnum bark and viburnum fruits in Ukraine are types of raw materials of the pharmacopoeial variety. Fruits contain volatile compounds, organic acids, phenolic compounds, including flavonoids and anthocyanins), vitamins, sugars, pectin substances and are widely used in folk and scientific medicine as antioxidant, immunostimulating, tonic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic, anticancer, etc. Viburnum fruits are used in the food industry to produce juice, syrups, various drinks, candies, etc. Lithuanian researchers developed a technology for obtaining lipophilic extracts with antioxidant activity from the fruits, washed and unwashed extracts of V. opulus fruits using green extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide, studied their chemical composition and established a powerful antioxidant effect, which determines the use of extracts as nutrients. New breeding forms of V. оpulus («Strumkova», «Gorikhova», «Krasunya») were introduced, which may be of state power, morpho-biological signs and biochemical indications were added. Currently, in Ukraine there is no medicinal preparation made from Viburnum fruits. As part of the systematic pharmacognostic study of the fruits of this domestically harvested plant, establishing the component composition of phenolic compounds is an urgent pharmacognostic task. The purpose of the work is to study the component composition of compounds of phenolic nature in the fruits of V. opulus harvested from Ukraine. Materials&methods. Raw material - fruits of V. opulus were harvested in 2021 (Kharkiv region Chuguevsky district 49°58'54'' N; 36°44'46''E). PHLC was performed on an Agilent Technologies 1200 (USA) liquid chromatograph. Results&discussion. In total, at least 5 compounds belonging to hydroxycinnamic acids were found. Chlorogenic acid (902,3±1,7 μg/g) leads the way in terms of content, while the content of the remaining components is 10-20 times lower. We found at least 3 compounds of flavonoid nature, of which one chalcone glycoside and 2 flavonol quercetin glycosides. A high content was determined for the bioside rutin – 2569,54±2,00 μg/g, a much lower (almost 20 times) content was determined for quercetin-3-O-β-glucoside (isoquercitrin) 135,99±0,03 μg/g Mr. The content of neohesperidin compared to rutin is almost twice as low and equal to 1369,02±0,76 μg/g. By the way, neohesperidin is a taste modifier (sweetener). Previously, we did not find information about the presence of neohesperidin in Viburnum fruits in the available sources of literature. Conclusions. 1. The component composition of groups of phenolic compounds such as hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids was determined using HPLC. 2. At least 5 hydroxycinnamic acids dominated by chlorogenic acid (902.3±1.7 μg/g) and at least 3 flavonoid glycosides dominated by rutin (2569.54±2.00 μg/g) were found. 3. The obtained research results were useful when choosing a dosage form and criteria for its standardization.
Keywords: phenolic compounds, fruits, Viburnum opulus
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