Study of economic and technological aspects in the development of medicine from rauwolfiia extract


  • Viktoria Zlagoda Pirogov Vinnytsia National Medical University, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Larisa Bobritska National University of Pharmacy of Ukraine, Ukraine



An increase in blood pressure increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The purpose of the study is to study economic and technological aspects in the development of a medicinal preparation with Rauwolfia extract. Research materials and methods. Research materials: the data of the State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine 2023, unified clinical protocols for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, online system "ShopApotheke". Research methods: frequency, marketing, analytical, comparative analysis and generalization of information. A comparative analysis of the cost calculation of the production of tablets and capsules with dry rauwolfia extract was carried out by the "cost plus" method. Results and discussion. As a result of the structural analysis of the ATS classification of drugs and their presence on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, the presence of groups C02A A04 - the sum of alkaloids from the roots of Rauwolfia was established. It was established that according to the State Register of Ukraine as of 2023 Medicines with an extract of the active ingredient Rauwolfia  are presented in the form of tablets - 3 trade names (TN). It has been established that there are special food products on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, which are represented by 90% solid medicinal forms (MF), among which 50% are tablets and 40% - capsules, and 10% are liquid MF represented by a solution for injections. Among the producing countries, foreign production prevails, which is 80% (70% - India and 10% - Germany) and 20% - national production. Conclusions. As a result of the marketing analysis, 3 drugs with an extract of the active substance Rauwolfia were established, which are registered on the territory of Ukraine, of which tablets are 100% of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. On the market of Ukraine there are special food products with the content of Rauwolfia snake in solid MF - 90% and 10% - liquid. Application of the direct encapsulation method has technological and economic efficiency.

Keywords: cardiovascular diseases; arterial hypertension; Rauwolfia extract; pharmaceutical market of Ukraine; technology; capsules


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How to Cite

Zlagoda, V., & Bobritska, L. (2024). Study of economic and technological aspects in the development of medicine from rauwolfiia extract. Annals of Mechnikov’s Institute, (1), 46–53.



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