Influence of Critical Thinking on the Formation of Me-Concept of a Future Officer




critical thinking, cognitive processes, psychological factors, self-esteem, self-improvement, self-consciousness, professional development, future officers, Me-concept, Me-image.


The features of critical thinking of a future officer, its structure and characteristics
are analyzed in the article. It is revealed that the development of
a cadet’s critical thinking in the learning process is due to the development
of his creative personality, which provides for the ability to statement of a
problematic point and search for non-standard ways to solve them, taking
into account opposing points of view and a tolerant attitude towards the opponent.
The psychological factors influencing on cadets’ critical thinking formation
during study in higher military institutions are defined, in particular:
need-motivational (the need to solve a problem task, interest in this task);
cognitive (lack of knowledge and experience), personality-based (self-esteem,
self-confidence level, level of aspirations, communicative potential); situational (extreme situation, lack of time or resources). The stages of the functioning
of critical thinking are ascertained, in particular: collision with a problem;
problem solving using existing knowledge; search for a new way of action,
which ends with insight – the most important moment, because a new content
of the investigated question appears; argumentation of the found solution. It
is established that critical thinking, as the highest level of cognitive activity
contributes to the development of personality qualities of the future officer.
The development of cognitive processes provides effectiveness of educational
activities, which affect the formation of professional self-consciousness of the
cadet. The characteristics of a future officer’s professional Self-conception formation
and the stages of the critical thinking formation in the main components
of the structure of Me-concept of a future officer are examined. It has
been revealed that a quality entry into professional activities induced the development
of critical thinking, which in turn contributed to a better cognitive
activity of a cadet, increased his self-esteem and affected the formation of the
image of an ideal officer.

Author Biography

Ольга Богуш, Military Academy (Odessa), Odessa

Ph.D. in Psychology, Officer of Moral and Psychological Support Department


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How to Cite

Богуш, О. (2019). Influence of Critical Thinking on the Formation of Me-Concept of a Future Officer. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (43), 55–80.