Analysis of the competitive activity of highly qualified judokas of light weight categories




judo, athletes, competitive activity, indicators, highly qualified, light weight categories


Purpose: to analyze the indicators of competitive activity of highly qualified judokas of light weight categories. Material and methods. During work, the following research methods were used to solve the assigned tasks: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; timekeeping; analysis of protocols and videos of the final fights of highly qualified judokas; methods of mathematical statistics. We analyzed 24 final bouts of judo wrestlers in the 48 kg (12 duel) and 52 kg (12 duel) weight categories during the Paris Grand Slam 2020, Dusseldorf Grand Slam 2020, Osaka Grand Slam 2019, Abu Dhabi Grand Slam 2019. Results: in the medal standings athletes of light weight categories, the leaders are countries such as Japan, France, Ukraine, Kosovo. The clear leader was Japan, which has 10 medals in its arsenal: two gold, three silver and five bronze. Analysis of the technical actions of highly qualified judokas of light weight categories revealed the total number of actions and their effectiveness. So, in the weight category up to 48 kg, athletes performed 94 technical actions, among which 76 (81 %) in the stance and 18 (19 %) in the position of the stalls and lying down. The result was 11 of 76 technical actions in the rack and 4 of 18 in the position of the stalls and lying down. In the weight category up to 52 kg, exactly 100 technical actions were performed, among which 85 (85 %) in the rack and 15 (15 %) in the position of the stalls and lying down. Effective were 9 of 85 technical actions in the rack and 2 of 15 in the position of the stalls and lying down. The main technical actions that are most often used by athletes are analyzed. For athletes in the weight category up to 48 kg, these are: a throw through the back from the knees (24 %), a hook from the inside under the opposite foot (17 %), a hook outside the foot of the same name (11 %), front footrest (10 %), coups (50 %), opponent holding (33 %). In the weight category up to 52 kg, the following technical actions were most often performed: throw through the back from the knees (21 %), grab under one leg (20 %), hook on the outside under the same foot (11 %), hook on the inside under the opposite foot (10 %), coups (67 %), opponent holding (27 %). Conclusions. It is confirmed that Japan is the clear leader in the light weight categories among women. Analysis of the total number of technical actions of athletes and their performance is confirmed by statistics; in judo, wrestling mainly occurs in the stance position. Athletes of two weight categories more used such technical actions as: throwing through the back from the knees, a hook from the outside under the same foot, a hook from the inside under the opposite foot, coups, opponent holding.

Author Biographies

Natalia Boychenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Ivan Chertov, National University of «Odessa Law Academy»

Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education

Yurii Pyroh, Dnepropetrovsk professional college of sports: st. Gladkova

sports teacher

Anatoly Aleksieiev, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture



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