Assessment of the level of special endurance of freestyle wrestlers using the Cooper test




freestyle wrestling, special endurance, testing, Cooper test, functionality, computer program, operational control


Purpose: testing of express-methods for assessing and analyzing the basic indicators of the preparedness of freestyle wrestlers. Material and methods. The study involved 20 qualified freestyle wrestlers 18-22 years old. Of these, 6 Masters of Sports of Ukraine (30 %), 8 - candidates for Masters of Sports of Ukraine (40 %) and 6 first-rate students (30 %). During testing a special computer program called Training Load, a chest heart rate sensor with support for Bluetooth 4.0 technology. The following methods were used in the study: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, instrumental method, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical processing of the obtained data. Results: to assess the special endurance of athletes, the Cooper test for strength and coordination endurance was used. During the test, athletes, as well as during rest, measured the heart rate. Analysis of heart rate dynamics showed that by the end of the test, the maximum values increased and amounted to 186,2 beats/min. The distribution of the load across the power zones during the test showed that on average 50,66 % of the total time the athletes were in the submaximum and maximum load zones (18,77 % in the maximum load zone, 31,89 % in the anaerobic one), which corresponds to the mode of sports combat. A comparative analysis of the parameters obtained made it possible to identify deficiencies in the training of athletes and formulate practical recommendations for their elimination. Conclusions. Early and objective assessment of the level of wrestlers' preparedness allows you to timely adjust the training process and thereby influence more successful competitive activity. We can recommend the use of the Cooper test for operational control of the wrestlers' fitness. The test allows you to quickly and successfully evaluate and analyze the functional state of athletes.

Author Biography

Valeriy Goloha, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

senior lecturer of the department of martial arts


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