Peculiarities of the manifestation of the psycho-emotional state of elite wrestlers, taking into account sexual dimorphism




wrestling, highly skilled, sexual dimorphism, psycho-emotional state, stress resistance


Purpose: the manifestation of psycho-emotional state in elite wrestlers with taking into account of sexually dimorphism. Material and methods. 24 elite females athletes and 33 elite males athletes specializing in freestyle wrestling were examined. All athletes were members of the Ukrainian National Team. Mental states were studied using the Luscher test. Stress resistance was studied using the «Stress test» method. All tests used, including the hardware-software complex «Multipsychometr-05». Results: based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, it was determined that modern sports wrestling is characterized by a high level of physical and psycho-emotional stress of the athlete in the conditions of competitive activity, and the study of the psycho-emotional state is an important issue for building a training system. The presence of sexual dimorphism with the manifestation of a psycho-emotional state in elite wrestlers has been established. It has been found that due to mental anxiety, male wrestlers have higher values of mental fatigue and internal discomfort compared to female wrestlers. This fact indicates a connection between anxiety as a pre-stress condition that causes fatigue and mental discomfort. At the same time, a higher level of stress resistance was found in men compared to women.  The results indicate that a higher level of stress resistance in men is due to a slower impulsivity. In women, a decrease in stress resistance is compensated by an increase in impulsivity. The presence of lower absolute values of the vegetative coefficient in women compared to men was revealed, which indicates a reduced level of tension of vegetative regulation, and, above all, activation of the sympathetic link of the autonomic nervous system. Conclusions. The presence of sexual dimorphism in the manifestation of the psychoemotional state among highly skilled wrestlers has been established. It was found that the presence of mental fatigue and anxiety in male wrestlers leads to emotional discomfort. A higher level of stress resistance was found in male wrestlers compared to female wrestlers. Stress resistance is formed in women by adaptive behavior, tension of the autonomic nervous system regulation and the balance of emotions. In men, stress resistance is ensured by mental focus.

Author Biographies

А. Berejna, National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

postgraduate student

L. Korobeynikova, German Sport University Cologne

Dr. Sc. Biology, Professor


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