Аналіз змагальної діяльності каратистів високої кваліфікації





karate, analysis, competitive activity, highly qualified athletes, technical actions


Purpose: to conduct an analysis of the competitive activity of highly qualified karate fighters. Material and methods. The following methods were used in the study: analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources; generalization of best practical experience; video computer analysis of competitive activity, methods of mathematical statistics. A total of 20 medal fights (2022 European Championship, Turkey) in different weight categories were analyzed. Results: the analysis of scientific and methodical information and the generalization of best practical experience showed that the research of competitive activity is a mandatory stage in the preparation of athletes for competitions. The need to analyze the performances of the world's leading athletes allows you to highlight the most effective actions, techniques and adapt them to the performance of a certain athlete in order to achieve success. According to the results of the study, it was found that of all the received punishments, athletes are most often punished for holding an opponent with their hands (33,3 %), passive fighting (23,2 %), going outside the boundaries of the court (15,9 %) and pushing (14,5%) than for dangerous, uncontrolled or prohibited technique, imitation of attacks with head, elbows, knees, open palms or neglect of protection equal to 0%. However, the following penalties were recorded: disobeying the referee's commands or talking (7,3 %), excessive contact (2,9 %) and simulating injuries (1,5 %). And among all the variety of techniques, the most common punches are gyaku dzuki (29,1%) and oi dzuki (15,8 %) and mawashi geri (30,3 %), ura mawashi geri (8,7 %). The following techniques were stolen at the competition: uraken punch (0,6 %), yoko geri kicks (4,2 %), ushiro ura mawashi geri (1,0 %), ushiro geri (0,2%), combinations of blows two-hit hands gyaku dzuki (2,5%), oi dzuki, gyaku dzuki (5,0 %) gyaku dzuki, oi dzuki (0,4 %), finishing throws (2,3 %). Also, in the course of the research, the time intervals during which the karateka performs the largest number of active technical and tactical actions were established. Namely, it was determined that 39,5 % of athletes perform active technical-tactical actions in the first 30 seconds of a duel, 63,2 % from 30 to 60 seconds, 89,5 % from 60 to 150 seconds, and 92,1 % perform technical-tactical actions within 150-180 seconds. Conclusions During the analysis of scientific and methodical information and the generalization of best practices, it was determined that the study of competitive activity is a mandatory stage in the preparation of athletes for competitions. gyaku dzuki (29,1 %) and oi dzuki (15,8 %) and mawashi geri kicks (30,3 %) and ura mawashi geri (8,7 %). It was determined that the most common punishments received by athletes are remarks for holding an opponent, going out of bounds, passive handling of a duel and pushing. It was also found that athletes show the greatest activity in 60-150 (89,5 %) and 150-180 (92,1 %) seconds of the match, and the least in 0-30 (39,5 %).

Author Biographies

О. Verbovata, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

3rd year student of the martial arts department

V. Romanenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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European Karate Championships / bronze medals / afternoon session – [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzLtNa37xs4&list=RDCMUCbcNH3k6L3wG9VWD5t05M1g&index=3 (дата звернення: 20.09.2022).

European Karate Championships / bronze medals / morning session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Evja5TYdhU&list=RDCMUCbcNH3k6L3wG9VWD5t05M1g&index=1 (дата звернення: 20.09.2022).

European Karate Championships / finals – [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtnPnBP1ISY&list=RDCMUCbcNH3k6L3wG9VWD5t05M1g&index=2 (дата звернення: 20.09.2022).

Gaziantep 2022 – [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу https://www.sportdata.org/wkf/set-online/veranstaltung_info_main.php?active_menu=calendar&vernr=573 (дата звернення: 20.09.2022).




