The level of physical fitness of judokas of 19-21 years old of different weight categories




judo, sportsmen, competitive activity, indicators, highly skilled, light weight categories


Purpose: to reveal the level of physical fitness of judokas of 19-21 years old of different weight categories and to carry out their comparative characteristic. Material and methods. The following research methods were applied: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical statistics. Pedagogical testing was passed by 30 judoists, which were divided into groups of 10 sportsmen according to weight category: light, middle, heavy. Results: analysis of the data showed that judokas of light weight categories have good results in the tests:  «5-fold exercise» - 8,9 seconds and «Throws of the partner over the thigh for 10 seconds» – 9,2 times, thus showing the best manifestation of coordination abilities and speed qualities among all groups of weight categories. Representatives of middle weight categories have the best results in the tests: «Lifting a dummy by gripping the torso from behind while standing on parallel benches» - 20 times and «Throwing a dummy for 3 minutes» - endurance coefficient 0,8. Thus demonstrating the advantage in the manifestation of power endurance and endurance. Representatives of heavy weight categories compared to judokas of other weight categories have worse results in all tests, except for the flexibility test «Wrestling bridge position», showing the best result - 58 cm. Comparative analysis of all weight categories shows that judokas of light and middle weight categories have a significant advantage over judokas of heavy weight categories, except for flexibility indicators, where representatives of heavy weight categories have an advantage (light weight categories - t=4,79; p<0,05; middle weight categories - t=2,26; p<0,05). In speed and power indicators and the manifestation of speed light and middle weight categories do not have reliable differences. Conclusions. Thus, judokas of light weight categories are distinguished by a good manifestation of coordination abilities and speed abilities, sportsmen of middle weight categories have an advantage in the manifestation of power endurance and endurance, representatives of heavy weight categories have good indicators in the manifestation of flexibility and good indicators of speed abilities, but the manifestation of coordination abilities and endurance is at a weak level. Comparative analysis of physical fitness of light weight categories with middle ones revealed significant differences in the advantage of light weight categories in tests characterizing the manifestation of power endurance, coordination abilities, flexibility. Comparative analysis of physical indicators of middle weight categories with heavy weight categories shows the advantage of middle weight categories over heavy weight sportsmen in the manifestation of power endurance, endurance and speed and power abilities. A comparative analysis of the physical indicators of athletes of light weight categories with heavy ones also revealed statistically significant differences. The greatest difference is observed in the tests of coordination abilities in favor of light weight and flexibility in favor of heavy weight.

Author Biographies

I. Chertov, National University of «Odessa Law Academy»

Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Honored Judo Trainer of Ukraine, international judge

N. Boychenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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