Influence of functional asymmetry on performance of technical actions at freestyle wrestlers




functional asymmetry, profile, freestyle wrestling, training process, technical actions


Purpose: to reveal the influence of functional asymmetry on the performance of technical actions in freestyle wrestlers. Material and methods. Analysis of scientific and methodical literature and Internet sources; pedagogical testing; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. The profile of functional asymmetry of the brain in freestyle wrestlers was determined. We used the tapping test by E. Ilyin, tests to determine motor and visual asymmetry and dynamometry. According to the results of the tapping test, E. Ilyin, the coefficient of functional asymmetry was calculated based on the working capacity of the left and right hands. 24 freestyle wrestlers aged 18-21 took part in the study. Results: during the previous study it was found that wrestlers mainly perform technical actions in one direction. A sportsman at the initial stage of training must learn techniques in both directions. However, at the stage of maximum realization of individual capabilities this rule should not always be observed. Since the majority of respondents suggested that in order to improve sports results it is necessary to strengthen the asymmetry of the wrestler, a set of special exercises was applied in the experimental group. In the given complex the accentuated performance of basic technical actions in a convenient way, individual dosage of exercises on development of flexibility, force, and also static endurance on the leading side was provided. After conducting the pedagogical experiment, we again conducted educational and training matches and analyzed them according to the indicators that were interesting to us. Having processed the results obtained after conducting the pedagogical experiment, we reached the following conclusions. In the control group, the increase in results for all indicators was: «right-handed people to the right» - 4,4 %; «right-handed to the left» - 0,8 %; «left-handed to the right» - 3,9 %; «left-handed to the left» - 10,9 %. In the experimental group, according to the same indicators, we observed the following increase in results: «right-handed to the right» - 13,5 %; «right-handed to the left» - 0,4 %; «left-handed to the right» - 0,5 %; «left-handed to the left» - 18,7 %. The conducted statistical processing made it possible to establish that there was a reliable increase in technical actions in the convenient direction for both right-handed and left-handed players. Summarizing the results of the pedagogical experiment, we can come to the conclusion that the use of a set of exercises embedded in the accented execution of technical processes in the leading direction contributes to the increase in results and the increase in the efficiency of the execution of technical processes. Conclusions. The analysis of the distribution of the individual profile of functional asymmetry in freestyle wrestlers showed that among the 24 wrestlers we studied aged 18-21 years, the right-sided profile of functional asymmetry predominates – 66 % of wrestlers, the left-sided profile of functional asymmetry has 20 % of wrestlers, the rest 14 % are ambidexters. The presence of a connection between the performance of a technical action and the profile of functional asymmetry in wrestlers was revealed: athletes perform technical actions in the leading direction more often and more efficiently. The use of a complex of exercises aimed at increasing asymmetry contributes to the growth of technical processes, and more pronounced in the leading direction. Thus, the increase in the control group «right-handed to the right» was 4,4 %, «left-handed to the left» - 10,9 %, in the experimental group – 13,5 % and 18,7 %, respectively.

Author Biographies

V. Shandrygos, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor of Department of Theory and Methodology of Olympic and Professional sport

N. Boychenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Y. Tropin, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

М. Latyshev, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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