Investigation of the methods of assessment of sensorimotor reactions in martial arts
martial arts, psychomotor skills, psychodiagnostics, psychophysiological state, testing, assessment, methodologyAbstract
Purpose: to conduct research on methods of evaluation of psychomotor abilities in martial arts. Material and Methods. The following research methods were used in the work: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodical literature, information from the Internet; pedagogical observation; interviews with leading coaches; results of past measurements. Results: the analysis of the use of methods for assessing psychomotor abilities in martial arts. The results of modern domestic and foreign studies have made it possible to determine that in martial arts it would be advisable to study psychodiagnostic and psychophysiological methods of assessing the state as objective criteria for the current functional state of psychophysiological functions, including mental, physiological and behavioral levels. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological information, Internet sources and conversations with leading coaches, psychomotor abilities important for martial arts were identified. It is revealed that the authors pay considerable attention to psychomotor abilities. In particular, the results of studies of psychomotor abilities using various and innovative methods are presented in the works of such specialists as Kozina Zh.L., Korobeynikov G.V., Ermakov S.S., Romanenko V.V. and others. It would be expedient to improve computer programs in the search for new express methods for assessing and analyzing the psychomotor state of athletes, taking into account the characteristics of a particular sport and competitive activity, stage of training, level of training, which will allow coaches to separate the factors that determine the growth of sportsmanship, as well as to predict the effectiveness of sports activities. Conclusions. It is determined that psychomotor abilities are of great importance in the sports activity of martial artists. The results of the assessment of psychomotor abilities obtained using express methods and characterizing the functional state of martial artists have a significant information basis for improving the quality of their training process.
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