Study of motivation of junior athletes to karate training
questionnaire, motivation, training, karate, junior, researchAbstract
Purpose: to determine the level of motivation of karate juniors to training sessions. Material and Methods. The scientific research was attended by karate juniors of 14,6±2,59 years old from sports clubs of Kharkiv and other cities of Ukraine in the amount of 31 sportsmen. Based on the study of scientific and methodological literature, conversations with coaches, pedagogical observations, a questionnaire was drawn up to identify the reasons (situations, circumstances) that prompted and encourage athletes to attend karate training sessions. The software «Google-Form» was used to conduct a remote survey. Results: the study showed that 45 % of respondents learned about karate from their parents, 32 % of athletes have friends who train them, 20 % joined the karate section due to an announcement at school, and 3 % attended karate competitions. Parents, siblings, and relatives are involved in karate for 77 % of respondents. When asked about the personal qualities of their coach, 47 % of respondents chose smart and fair, 33 % - cheerful and kind, 20 % - strict and demanding. Regarding the question of «ideal coach», 25 % of respondents said that their coach is exactly that. For 52 % of the athletes, the gym is located 1-3 km away; 23 % - less than 1 km; 19 % - 5-10 km; and 6 % - more than 10 km. 71 % of athletes walk to training, 16 % drive to the gym, 10 % use public transportation, and 3% use taxis. It takes 55 % of the athletes 10-30 minutes to get to the gym, 26 % - 1-10 minutes, 16 % - 30-60 minutes, and 3 % of karateka spend more than 1 hour on the road. The interest in training depends on whether athletes perform their favorite exercises during training. The majority of athletes (24 out of 31) like to practice kumite (free combat), and the same 23 out of 31 athletes like to learn and perform kata. 19 out of 31 like to perform «kihon» (basic technique) and 16 answers each for outdoor games and free combat. 71 % of athletes hear praise from their coaches several times a week. 26 % of athletes hear praise at every training session, and 3 % of karateka said that their coach does not pay attention to them. 97 % of karateka keep in touch outside the gym in messengers, computer games, and on walks; the majority (68 %) of karateka have athletes in their groups who they want to follow their example. 58 % of athletes indicated that their coaches organize joint meetings outside the gym. One of the important answers: 65 % of karateka want to become coaches in the future. Conclusions. Based on the study, most athletes start attending karate classes on the recommendation of their parents and friends. One of the main reasons for attending training sessions is the short distance to the gym. The majority of respondents want to become coaches in the future, which is a very important component for the further development of karate in Ukraine.
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