The modern arsenal of technical- tactical actions of highly-qualified freestyle women wrestlers (according to the results of the 2022 World Championship)
freestyle wrestling, women, highly qualified women wrestlers, technical-tactical actions, competitive activity, weight category, standing position, parterreAbstract
Purpose: to determine effective technical- tactical actions of the highly- qualified freestyle women wrestlers in different weight categories at the 2022 World Championship. Material and methods. Methods: analysis and synthesis, documentary (analysis of competition protocols), video recording of highly- qualified women wrestler’s matches (results of athlete’s matches who took 1-st to 5-th places in the appropriate competitions) at the 2022 World Championship in Belgrade (Serbia), comparative analysis and mathematical statistics methods. 171 matches of women leader`s wrestling were analysed. In each weight category, the most effective technical and tactical actions were highlighted. Points, received for passive fighting, were not taken into account in the analysis as these scores may be affected by the subjective decision of judges (human factor or sympathy for a certain athlete). MS Excel was used for processing statistical data and presentation graphical results. Results: effective actions in each weight category are used by women wrestlers during a match were revealed. The analysis of matches showed that in all weight categories the main number of points were obtained due to technical and tactical actions in the standing position. The largest number of points for actions in the standing position ware awarded in the weight category up to 57 kg (89,5 %) and the most effective actions of wrestlers in the weight category up to 50 kg (38,7 %) in the parterre. In all other weight categories, these index range from 18,9 % to 29,9 % of effective technical- tactical actions in the parterre. The most effective actions in parterre were coup gut wrench and coup cross ankle, which usually led to early victories by the amount of points scored with a difference of 10 points. After reviewing 171 matches in all ten weight categories, it was found that the women wrestlers had a total of 526 effective actions (in standing position and parterre). The results of the study made it possible to find out that the attack with a grip on the opponent’s legs is the most effective technical- tactical action in all weight categories. The total number was 186 attacks during all matches in the investigated weight categories, which is 35,3 % of the total number of technical and tactical actions. There is a tendency to increase the arsenal of technical-tactical actions and pursuit for technical- tactical actions in standing position by actions in parterre, which forms a combination of high performance and indicates an increase in skill level of women freestyle wrestlers. Conclusions. On the example of the obtained data, we observed significant increase of wrestling lever in recent years, and the arsenal of actions in heavyweight categories such as 72 kg, 76 kg is actually don’t differ from the arsenal in light of weight categories (50 kg, 53 kg). The arsenal of actions is used by heavyweight of wrestler’s categories is as diverse in terms of thrown, leg hooks, attacking and counterattacking actions (in standing and parterre) as in the light of weight categories.
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