Features of the manifestation of the process of perception and field dependence in qualified female boxers


  • Lesia Korobeynikova National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Ukraine
  • Wu Chuanzhong National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Ukraine




female boxers, cognitive style, non-verbal intelligence, field dependence


Purpose: to determine the
features of the manifestation of the function of perception and field dependence of qualified female
boxers. Material and methods. The following methods were used in this study: theoretical analysis
and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, psychodiagnostic,
psychophysiological methods, pedagogical experiment, mathematical statistics. The research used
a complex computer system «Multipsychometer-05». The article presents the results of studies of 18
qualified female boxers, national teams of Ukraine, during the preparation for the main
competitions of the year, the European Championship. Determination of the features of non-verbal
perception was carried out according to the test «Progressive matrices» by Raven. Environmental
dependence was studied using the modified Stroop test. Results: on the basis of theoretical analysis
and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, it was found that the solution of problems of technical training of boxers is directly related to the development of the level of
perception. The main properties of perception include integrity, objectivity, thoughtfulness,
structure, which are involved in mastering the technique of movement. Among qualified female
boxers, an increased level of perception and processing of non-verbal information was determined,
represented by performance and accuracy indicators, respectively, 58,0 % of persons and 73,6 %,
and only in terms of efficiency in the Progressive Matrices test, an approximately uniform
expression was found. In general, it can be argued that the quality of performing tasks with nonverbal stimuli is quite high, but the speed of performing intellectual tasks is low. The results
obtained should be taken into account during the preliminary period for the differentiation and
individualization of the training process. The average and high level of manifestation of field
independence in the group of examined qualified boxers had the majority of sportswomen, which
equaled 73,7 %. This fact testifies to the informativeness of the manifestation of this characteristic,
the possibility of being competitive in the sport of the highest achievements. The ability to abstract,
concentrate and implement functional capabilities in competitive activities. According to the
indicator of left hemispheric dominance, which characterizes the profile of the lateral organization
in the examined athletes, a high variability was revealed, indicating the heterogeneity of the sample
and the need to use individual approaches in the process of training qualified female boxers.
Analysis of the results of the indicator of functional asymmetry made it possible to determine the
functional organization of the brain and motor activity. In the majority of female athletes of the
study group, the presence of symmetry of the cerebral hemispheres prevails, which, in our opinion,
is due to the specificity of the training process. Conclusions. The generalization of the research
results made it possible to determine the individual differences in the cognitive organization of
female boxers during the processing of non-verbal information of intellectual tasks. The modified
Stroop test gave us the opportunity to identify female boxers with dominant styles of perception,
information processing and decision making.

Author Biographies

Lesia Korobeynikova, National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

Dr. Sc. Biology, Professor

Wu Chuanzhong, National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

postgraduate student


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