International women's wrestling: analysis of achievements in competitions among cadets
women wrestling, competition, result, careerAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the
achievements of the participants of the world cadet wrestling championships. Material and
methods. The following methods were used in the study: analysis of scientific and methodological
information and Internet sources, analysis of competitive activities, methods of mathematical
statistics. The careers of the participants of the 2017 and 2018 World Women's Wrestling
Championships were analyzed. The total number of participants was 411 athletes. For analysis, all
participants were divided into three groups depending on their place at the World Championships:
medalists (1-3 place); a group of athletes who took 5th to 10th place (intermediate level); a group
of athletes who took 11th place and below (low level). The performances of the participants of the
World Cup were analyzed earlier, namely the number of times they took part, won a prize or won
competitions among cadets (aged 16-17) in their careers earlier. The comparative analysis allowed
to determine how important the results obtained at the cadet level competitions are for the
achievements at the world competitions among adults. The initial data of the speeches are taken
from the official website of the International Wrestling Federation United World Wrestling
( Results. More than half (57,9 %) of the participants in the Women's
Wrestling Championship had experience of participating in international cadet competitions, and
42,3 % of them won prizes. It is determined that the percentage of athletes who took part is higher
among the participants with a low place, so the figure varies from 58,5 to 54,2 %. At the same time,
almost a third of the participants (31,9 %) won the competition among cadets, and only 17,9 % of
the group of athletes who took 11th place and below won the competition among cadets. The trend
of distribution of athletes who have never won a competition is similar to the previous one, but the
percentage of those who failed to do so is much higher: 82,1 % of athletes who took 11th place and
below; 77,1 % of athletes took 5th to 10th place and 68,1 % of medalists. Almost the same
percentage of athletes won once, regardless of their place at the World Championships
(approximately 12-14 %). Only the medalists of the World Cup were able to win two and three
times earlier in most cases (about 10 %). It should be noted that four times or more no athlete who
took part in the world championship could win. Conclusions. The analysis of performances of
sportswomen-participants of the world championship on women's wrestling at the previous stages,
in particular at competitions among cadets is carried out. Significantly higher number of
participants (in percentage), who won prizes at the World Championships among athletes, who
were among the winners three and four times in competitions among cadets.
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