Development of coordination abilities of judoists 8-10 years old using special exercises and modern technologies


  • Irina Skripka Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko, Ukraine
  • Vita Vorona Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko, Ukraine



judostas, coordination skills, special exercises, modern technology


Purpose: to investigate the dynamics
of development of coordination abilities of judoists 8-10 years old using special exercises and
modern technologies. Material and methods. The following methods were used in the study:
analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment,
methods of mathematical statistics. The experimental study involved 16 of judoists of 8-10 years of
initial training groups (8 athletes in the control and experimental groups). At the beginning and end
of the pedagogical experiment, which lasted 6 months, pedagogical testing was conducted using 8
test exercises. Results: аs part of the study, the training process of the experimental group of
judoists aged 8-10 included special exercises using modern technology, such as the balancing
platform BOSU, fitballs, stepladders and others to develop the coordination skills of judoists. After
the experiment, there was a statistically significant difference between the results of athletes of the
experimental and control groups in test exercises that characterize the ability to balance: the
Flamingo test decreased the number of attempts by 13,0 % in the experimental group compared
with the control group (p <0,01); according to the test «Statistical equilibrium according to the
method of Bondarevsky with open eyes» in the experimental group during the experiment the
increase was 31,6 %, in the control – 10,7 % (p <0,01). The best results were found in the ability to
maintain dynamic balance on the gymnastic bench: athletes in the experimental group increased by
11,9 % (p<0,001), and in the control group - by 4,8 %. It is necessary to note the improvement of
the quality of overcoming the distance in the test «Walking to the goal» in the judokas of the
experimental group. The results of the test «Three overturns» in judoists of the experimental group
significantly increased by 9,7 %. Conclusions. The selection of special exercises with the use of
modern technologies for the development of coordination abilities of judokas aged 8-10, aimed at
the formation of certain coordination skills and their integrated development. The offered special
exercises with the use of modern technologies, such as the balancing platform BOSU, fitballs,
coordination ladders and others, allow you to develop spatial orientation, coordination of
movements, interaction with objects and other athletes. This is evidenced by the results of
comparing the averages obtained at the beginning and end of the pedagogical study, which showed
a statistically significant difference between them

Author Biographies

Irina Skripka, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Vita Vorona, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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