Model characteristics of competitive activity of mixed martial arts fighters of MMA of different weight categories
competitive activities, mixed martial arts MMA, model characteristics, men, indicators, fighters, weight categoriesAbstract
Purpose: on the basis of the analysis of title fights of elite fighters of mixed martial arts MMA to
establish model characteristics of competitive activity for athletes of each weight category.
Material and methods. At last victorious, advanced methods were used: analysis of scientific and
methodological information and access to the Internet; uzgalnennya advanced practical dosvidu;
analysis of the protocols and video recordings of the vitality of the elite soldiers of the people;
methods of mathematical statistics. For the analysis of significant activities, the next indicators
were added: hour bo; the number of conducted and missed accented strikes in battle; the number of
samples of victorious takedowns and submissions in battle; accuracy of accented strokes; success in
takingdowns. In the finals, they took part in the Flyweight, Bantamweight, Featherweight,
Lightweigh, Welterweigh, Middleweight, Light Heavyweight, Heavyweight important category.
Results: analysis of scientific and methodological information, Internet sources and generalization
of best practices showed that the popularity of mixed martial arts MMA in the world and increasing
competition among fighters require careful study of competitive activities and models of leading
athletes to find new ways to improve training and competitive activities. It was found that the
process of training qualified athletes in mixed martial arts MMA should be based on the laws of
competition and model characteristics of the training of the best fighters in the world. If these
conditions are met, there is a high probability of forming an effective style of confrontation at the
stage of preparation for higher achievements. Conclusions. On the basis of the results obtained, it
was established that the elite fighters of mixed martial arts MMA of different weight categories
have some features in terms of competitive activity. Thus, the average time to perform the fastest
knockout (technical knockout) in a fight is observed in welterweight athletes (13,1 s), and the fastest
submission was observed in light weight fighters (33,3 s). Welterweight athletes need more time to finish the fight ahead of schedule (10,6 s before the end of the fight), they also have a late knockout
(technical knockout) in the fight (13.5 s before the end of the fight), and the latest submission (32,7
seconds left until the end of the fight) is carried out by light weight fighters. The end of the fight
with a positive difference in blows is better for featherweight athletes (126,9 blows), and with a
negative difference in blows (inflicted / missed) - for fighters of light heavyweight (36,6 blows) and
heavy (36,2 blows) weight. Featherweight athletes have the highest number of thrown (431,1
punches) and delivered (225,2 punches) accented punches, but the accuracy of their execution is
average (76,02 %), while heavy weight fighters have a small number of thrown (281,0 punches) and
inflicted (147,8 blows) accented blows, but the accuracy of their execution is the highest (83,75 %).
Attempts to perform takedowns (23,5 times) and submissions (6,7 times) are the highest among
fighters in the light weight category. These results are explained by the specific features of the
fighters of each weight category.
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Fightnews – Новини бойових мистецтв – Рейтинги ММА – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу (дата звернення: 2.04.2022).
UFC – Сайт федерації UFC – Лідери статистики – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу (дата звернення: 21.03.2022).
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