Functional condition of qualified wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training


  • Georgiy Korobeynikov National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Ukraine
  • Taras Danko National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Anatoly Kokhanevich National University of Physical Education and Sport, Ukraine



functional state, qualified athletes, Greco-Roman wrestling, indicators, nervous processes


Purpose: to investigate the functional state of
qualified wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training. Material and methods. 31 qualified
Greco-Roman wrestlers (CMC and MC of Ukraine), aged 14-16, students of the Kremenchuk
Wrestling Sports Club were examined. To assess the functional state, a cardiomonitor with ECG
analysis «Fazagraf», bioimpedancemetry using a body composition monitor «Omron BF511» and
hardware-software psychodiagnostic complex «Multipsychometer-05» were used. Results: it is
established that the functional state of qualified Greco-Roman wrestlers at the stage of specialized
basic training is determined by a comprehensive examination of morpho-functional, autonomic and
psychomotor characteristics of the athlete's body. According to the results of the study, the
following indicators were obtained: body mass index of athletes, the percentage of fat and muscle
mass of athletes; Heart rate, mean duration of RR ECG intervals, standard deviation of RR ECG
intervals, Baevsky stress index (Stress index); accuracy, stability, excitation, excitation trend
(according to the test of balance of nervous processes); dynamism, throughput, maximum speed,
impulsivity (according to the test of functional mobility of nervous processes). Conclusions. The
results of the study showed that the presence of significantly reduced values of the standard
deviation of RR ECG intervals in athletes with high voltage of the heart rate control system is a reflection of increasing voltage of autonomic heart rate, with a predominance of the sympathetic
link. High voltage of the heart rate regulation system leads to excitation of the nervous system in
skilled wrestlers of the Greco-Roman style. The stress of heart rate regulation leads to an increase
in impulsive, uncontrolled movements, which affects the growth rate of visual information
processing in skilled wrestlers.

Author Biographies

Georgiy Korobeynikov, National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

Dr. Sc. Biology, Professor, Head of the Department of Combat
Sports and Power Sports

Taras Danko, National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine

Phd (Physical Education and Sport); As. Professor

Anatoly Kokhanevich, National University of Physical Education and Sport

postgraduate student


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