Analysis of stress resistance in qualified boxers
boxers, qualified athletes, stress resistance, special performanceAbstract
Purpose: to study the stress resistance of qualified boxers with different levels of special
performance. Material and methods. Stress resistance was assessed using the «stress test». This
test is included in the block of the computer system «Multipsychometer-05». With the help of the
test, indicators were determined: stress resistance, throughput, impulsivity. To assess the special
performance, the Spuderg chronodynamometer designed by M.P. Savchin was used. The index of
creatine phosphate working capacity of boxers was determined (according to the test of boxer
punches for 8 s). 26 qualified boxers were examined, members of the team of Kiev, aged 18-24
years. According to the level of special performance, boxers were divided into two conditional
groups: with a low and high level of special performance. Results: based on the analysis of
scientific and methodological information, Internet sources and generalization of best practices, it
was found that the study of psychophysiological characteristics of skilled wrestlers allows to assess
stress resistance, capacity and impulsivity. All boxers were divided into two conditional groups
according to the creatine phosphate performance index. The first group consists of 12 athletes with
a high level of special ability to work, the second group - 14 athletes with a low level of special
ability to work. It was found that boxers with a low level of special ability to work are significantly
more stressed than boxers with a high level of special ability to work. A correlation analysis was
also conducted between special performance and stress test performance in skilled boxers. The
results of which allowed to establish a reliable correlation between special performance and stress
resistance in both groups of boxers. However, the orientation of the correlation coefficient vectors
in the groups of boxers is multidirectional. Conclusions. It was found that a reduced level of
special performance in qualified boxers is consistent with high stress resistance. It was found that
boxers with a high level of special performance have a decrease in impulsivity as a characteristic of
uncontrolled, spontaneous movements. Boxers with a low level of special performance have an
increase in impulsivity. In addition, the manifestation of stress resistance does not depend on the
level of special performance. At the same time, special performance may deteriorate due to the appearance of uncontrolled spontaneous movements in boxers, as a reflection of psycho-emotional
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