The importance of achievements among cadets and juniors in Greco-Roman wrestling
Greco-Roman wrestling, competition, result, career, cadets, juniorsAbstract
Рurpose: to establish the
importance of achievements among cadets and juniors in Greco-Roman wrestling to predict the
future career of the athlete. Material and methods. The following methods were used in the study: analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources, analysis of competitive
activities, methods of mathematical statistics. All performances of the national team of Ukraine at
the European Championship among cadets from 2000 to 2010 are analyzed. Also, all the
performances of the national team of Ukraine at the European and World Junior Championships
from 2000 to 2010 were analyzed. The number of participants, the number of winners, the number
of medalists separately for each year of performance were counted. In order to determine the
significance of the sports result, the further careers of all participants of the European Cadet
Championships were analyzed. The analysis was conducted separately for cadets who were winners
of the European Championships and athletes who did not win prizes. A similar analysis was
conducted for all participants in the European Junior Championships. The initial data of the
speeches are taken from the official website of the International Wrestling Federation United World
Wrestling. Results: аnalysis of the performances of the national team of Ukraine in Greco-Roman
wrestling at the European Championship among cadets showed that the winners were 5,0% of
athletes and 27,9 % of winners. The difference between winners and non-winners in subsequent
achievements is quite significant: the percentage of athletes who were able to win a ticket to
international competitions among adults is 1,45 higher than the winners, and the percentage of
athletes who were able to succeed in these competitions – 3,2 times more. The national team of
Ukraine in Greco-Roman wrestling at the European Junior Championships from 2000 to 2011 was
represented by 77 athletes, of which 6,5 % of athletes won gold medals and 39,0 % became
winners. Among the winners of the championship, a significant number of athletes (56,7 %) were
able to win the right to participate in competitions among adults at a high international level and a
certain part (40,0 %) succeeded in these competitions. During the period under review, four
athletes became the winners of the World Junior Championships, which is 5,0 % of the total
number, and 21 times the team's athletes became winners (26,2 %). More than 90 % of athletes who
will be winners of the World Junior Championships were able to win a ticket to international
competitions among adults and a significant proportion (61,9 %) were able to succeed in
competitions among adults. This is a fairly high figure, which is important for predicting the
performances of future athletes. Conclusions. The result of a junior competition can be considered
as an important criterion for predicting the athlete's future career. While the results of the World
Cup are more important than the European Championship.
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