The significance of morpho-functional indicators in assessing the prospects of athletes specializing in national types of wrestling
wrestlers, turon, indicators, physical performance, maximum oxygen consumption, anthropometry, total and partial sizes, physique features, weight categoryAbstract
Purpose: to determine the significance of morpho-functional indicators in assessing the
prospects of athletes specializing in national types of wrestling. Material and methods. A complex
of pedagogical and biomedical research methods will be used to solve the set tasks and test the
initial assumptions. To assess the physical development, morphological methods will be used, in
particular, on the basis of anthropometric research methods, a comparative assessment of the
physique of wrestlers, taking into account the weight category, has been carried out. The results of
the research were processed by the methods of mathematical statistics with the calculation of the
degree of reliability, the standard deviation, the use of correlation analysis is envisaged. Results: it
was found that in the examined athletes engaged in Turon wrestling, no differences were found in
the length of the lower leg and forearm. In this case, both the length of the lower leg and the length
of the forearm do not depend on the weight category and this fact can be taken into account in
sports selection in the Turonian wrestling. The exceptions were the length of the upper arm and
forearm of heavyweights, for whom the length of the upper arm is predominant, while the length of
the forearm is noted as short. In addition, the length of the thigh in the light weight wrestlers is
48,0±2,0 cm, in the middle weight Turonists – 45,9±3,0 cm and in the heavyweights – 47,3±3,4 cm.
The leg length of the Turonists varies. as the weight category increases. So, in lightweight and
middleweight athletes, this sign differs slightly, and in heavyweights, there are clear differences in
this. This fact indicates that data on body proportions, apparently, have the greatest influence not
only on the choice of technical actions, but also on the structure of their implementation.
Conclusions. A promising group of adolescent wrestlers was identified, whose functional state is
characterized by high PWC-170 values and VO2 max. This group of athletes can be recommended
for participation in international competitions. To study the differences in physique in the study
group, both total and partial sizes of Turonists of various weight categories were assessed. In order
to compose a general morphological picture of a Turonian wrestler, the following integrative
anthropometric features can be distinguished: length and weight of the body, chest circumference,
length and girth of the lower leg and forearm, length of the body. Thus, individual anthropometric
signs can influence the manifestation of special motor qualities of wrestlers.
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