Status and prospects of free wrestling in Ukraine


  • Viktor Shandrigos Ternopil National Pedagogical University Volodymyr Gnatyuk, Ukraine
  • Andriy Blazheyko Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Mykola Latyshev Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



wrestling, development, infrastructure, CYSS, training groups, coaches, sports competitions, sports facilities


Purpose: to analyze the state of freestyle wrestling in Ukraine and identify ways to
further develop this sport. Material and methods. The following common methods were used in the study: analysis of scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources; analysis of official
documents; methods of mathematical statistics. The performances of athletes of the national team of
Ukraine in freestyle wrestling in official competitions, statistical materials of the Ministry of Youth
and Sports of Ukraine, the Wrestling Association of Ukraine are analyzed. Results: analysis of
performances at official international competitions revealed that the national wrestling team of
Ukraine has always claimed medals in official international competitions and during the years of
independence won 202 medals at European championships, 78 – at world championships and 12
medals at the Olympic Games, which testifies to the competitiveness of Ukrainian athletes in the
international arena. The development of freestyle wrestling in Ukraine with the direct participation
of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine is the Wrestling Association of Ukraine, which is a
member of the International Federation "United World of Wrestling" UWW. Ukraine lacks modern,
high-quality and affordable sports infrastructure, which is the basis for wrestling. This is a problem
of the sport, which has accumulated over the years and significantly slows down its development.
The main subjects of the development of freestyle wrestling in Ukraine are CYSS, SDYUSHOR,
SHVSM and specialized sports facilities, which are financed from both the state budget and local
budgets and ensure the formation of the Olympic reserve. 22,732 people are involved in regular
freestyle wrestling classes in Ukraine, of which the main share falls on students of CYSS,
SDYUSHOR – 73,72 %. There are 233 wrestling departments (1,659 study groups of various
qualifications) in CYSS and SDYUSHOR. It has been established that the number of CYSS and
SDYUSHOR departments has decreased over the last year, however, the number of study groups
has increased. Freestyle wrestling was conducted by 884 employees, of which 723 (81,7 %) coaches
carried out the training process in CYSS and SDYUSHOR: 487 full-time coaches, of whom 325
(66,74 %) have a coaching qualification category. It was found that out of the total number of full-time coaches, 64,68 % are persons aged 30-60, young people under 30 are 18,89 % and 16,43 %
are specialists aged 60 and older, which indicates the need to involve young coaches for freestyle
wrestling. The system of wrestling competitions in Ukraine is determined by the Unified calendar
plan of physical culture and sports activities of Ukraine, which is formed on the basis of the
international calendar UWW and contains official competitions (qualifying for international
competitions) among all age groups, training camps, departmental competitions, tournaments of
various ranks among all age groups. Conclusions. Analyzing the state of wrestling in Ukraine, in
order to improve the organizational and managerial structure, infrastructure, increase the
coverage of the population for wrestling, improve staffing, logistics and improve the system of
wrestling, we have identified a number of priorities that already being implemented.

Author Biographies

Viktor Shandrigos, Ternopil National Pedagogical University Volodymyr Gnatyuk

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Andriy Blazheyko, Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine

state coach, master of sports in freestyle wrestling

Mykola Latyshev, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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