Mental properties’ formation of the personality of athletes specializing in taekwondo




psychology, taekwondo, mental properties, personality, questionnaire


Purpose: to determine the characteristics of the manifestation of the mental properties of athletes’ personality in taekwondo. Material and methods: 10 qualified athletes specializing in taekwondo were involved in research. All participants are members of national team of Ukraine on taekwondo. The average age of athletes was 16,7±1,2 years. The studies were conducted during the training camp. All were assigned to the same experimental task. In this experiment, informed consent was obtained from all participants and their parents. For assessing the athletes’ psychological features, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific literature and specialized websites, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, diagnosis of communicative tolerance by V. Boyko, test «Inventory of stress symptoms» by V. Ivanchenko, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: among taekwondo athletes choleric and phlegmatic types of temperament prevalence. Athletes is characterized by average level of neuroticism and stress, combined with a high level of communicative tolerance. Psychological factors occupy an important place in the system of preparation of athletes specializing in taekwondo and are associated with the development of processes of attention, thinking and perception in combination with temporal-spatial orientation abilities. Under the influence of intense physical exertion, taekwondo athletes form a strong and balanced nervous system, as well as pronounced volitional qualities. Conclusions. The presence of specialized mental processes and qualities allows to the athlete to realize his physical and technical-tactical capabilities, that lead to the high-level achievement in sport. These include: the accuracy of the mental reflection of the perceived information, the time sense and distance sense, instantly find the right moments for strikes and defenses, a high level of concentration, fast reaction, well-developed thinking processes that allow to evaluate the combat situation quickly and objectively.

Author Biographies

Nadiia Vysochina, The National Defence University

Doctor of Physical Education and Sport, Senior Researcher, Leading

Iryna Romoldanova, National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine

graduate student

Olena Kuznetsova, National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine

graduate student


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