Regression models of special physical fitness of taekwondo players 12-14 years old
taekwondo, regression models, physical readiness, technical readiness, indicator, model characteristics, forecastingAbstract
Purpose: to develop regression models of special physical fitness of taekwondo players aged 12-14 years. Material and methods. The study was conducted at the public organization «Taekwondo Federation (WTF) of Ukraine». It was attended by 30 athletes specializing in taekwondo, aged 12-14 years, qualification 1-2 adult category. The following methods were used in the research: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature and the Internet, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: it was established that indicators of special physical fitness depend on one, two, three and even four statistically significant independent variables (indicators of general physical fitness) within p<0,05-0,01. From regression models it is seen that the speed and power index, a swing of the left foot forward for 15 s and «Pistol» on the left foot for 30 s have statistically significant influence on the index of frequency of performance of lateral kicks in a trunk for 10 s alternately with both feet. It is established that the index of a side kick with a turn in opposite directions for 15 s in the upper level depends on a longitudinal twine on the left and right legs. A side kick with a 360° turn in 15 s with the left and right legs depends on a swing of the left leg forward in 15 s and the index of the right leg is also influenced by the speed and power index. The index of the reverse lateral kick for 15 s with the right foot statistically depends on the longitudinal twine on the left foot. The maximum number of strokes of nerio chagi alternately for 15 s depends on four indicators of special physical fitness: longitudinal twines on the right and left legs, a swing of the left leg for 15 s and a «pistol» on the right leg for 30 s. Conclusions. In modern conditions of training of sportsmen at the stages of long-term preparation for forecasting of success, experts in the field of physical culture and sport widely use the construction of regression models of preparedness. For the rapid construction of regression models of any order, it is necessary to use linear regression models with one independent variable. In order to detail the forecasting process, it is necessary to apply multiple analysis with a stepwise method that will allow to include in the regression equation the independent variables that have the highest coefficients of partial correlation with the dependent variable. The researches have established that in taekwondo fighters of 12-14 years old a statistically significant indicator of physical fitness which influences the manifestation of special is a longitudinal splits on the left and right legs, but the fascination with the development of flexibility of sportsmen can lead to the deterioration of results of speed and power orientation.
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