Development of endurance in boxers at the stage of specialized basic training




boxing, boxer, general endurance, special endurance, fartlek


Purpose: to improve general and special endurance in boxers at the stage of specialized basic training. Material and methods. The following methods were used in the research: theoretical (analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature, the Internet on the problem of the research, generalization of modern experience of physical training of boxers of different qualification), empirical (testing, experiment), statistical (methods of mathematical processing of the obtained results). The research was attended by 19 boxers of the stage of the specialized basic training, whose average age was 15,21±0,54 years, sports qualification I-III categories, who made up the control (n=10) and experimental (n=9) groups. Results: taking into account the recommendations of specialists and conclusions of researchers about the use of the training methodology «fartlek» in the training process of highly skilled single combatants, a program of endurance improvement based on a combination of load and rest, taking into account the perspective requirements of competitive activity of a boxer at this age, was developed. The boxers of the control group were trained according to the curriculum for children and youth sports schools by the traditional method. In the training process of the experimental group the program of improvement of endurance by the method of «apron» was introduced in times of physical preparation when the plan of trainings provided a running load. As a result of the experiment the reliable dynamics of changes of indicators of the level of general and special endurance in boxers of the experimental group in comparison with the control group (running on 2000 m (t=5,04; p<0,001); jumping with a rope for 1 min (t=2,80; p<0,05); running on 300 m (t=4,38; p<0,001); striking for 30 s (t=2,79; p<0,05)) was defined. Changes of other indicators of testing of general and special physical fitness of boxers during the experiment improved in each of groups, but have no statistically significant difference between groups (р>0,05). Comparison of dynamics of functional indicators defined their statistically significant improvement in each of groups, but as a result of the experiment there is no significant difference between the experimental and control group on indicators of a condition of a cardiovascular system (t=0,32; р>0,05) and a level of adaptation to a load (t=0,33; р>0,05). By indicators of functional ability of heart muscles (by Robinson index) statistically significant changes and advantage of energy potential of an organism in boxers of the control group (t=3,01; р<0,05), in comparison with the experimental group (t=1,31; р>0,05), changes in which have no statistically significant difference, were defined. Conclusions. The effectiveness of the experimental program of improvement of endurance by the method of «fartlek» in boxers at the stage of specialized basic training is proved, but despite the increase of the level of general and special endurance in the experimental group there was no significant increase of energy potential of the organism of sportsmen. This suggests that the «apron» technique can be used in the educational and training process of adolescents, but requires careful use for this category, taking into account age restrictions.

Author Biographies

М. Yarovy, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

the recipient of the second educational level

L. Vostroknutov, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

candidate legal sciences, associate professor

Zh. Tzymbaliyk, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD (Physical education and sport), assistant professor

А. Rudenko, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of the Air Force


V. Shuteev, Kharkiv National Medical University

candidate of sciences in physical education and sports, assistant professor, head of the department


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Как боксеры готовятся к бою? − [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: (дата звернення: 10.10.2022).

Тренируйтесь как боксер с этой тренировкой на выносливость: − [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: (дата звернення: 05.10.2022).

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Фартлек: − [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: (дата звернення: 01.10.2022).

