Study of the features of the manifestation of sensorimotor reactions of martial artists and representatives of sports games




martial arts, sports games, sensorimotor reactions, the reaction of choice, the reaction to a moving object, the preparation technique, the psychophysiological state


Purpose: to determine peculiarities of manifestation of sensorimotor reactions of representatives of single combats and sports games. Material and methods. The following scientific methods are used in this study: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observations; instrumental method; mathematical and statistical methods of research. Results: 24 students of KSAPC, representatives of single combats and sports games took part in the study (19-23 years). To test sensorimotor reactions, special programs for tablet computers were used: «Tapping Test», «Choice Reaction», «Reaction to a Moving Object», «Reaction to Changing the Size of an Object» (Ashanin V.S., Romanenko V.V., 2015). Based on the study of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observations, conversations with trainers, psychophysiological tests for research were selected, it was determined that sports activities have an influence on the formation of sensorimotor reactions of athletes. The importance of psychophysiological functions in the process of assimilation of technical and tactical actions by athletes in various sports is determined. It is also indicated that the use of modern technologies provides the opportunity to identify the features of sensorimotor reactions of athletes of various specializations, and this will contribute to both the process of preparing for competitions and the improvement of methods for diagnosing psychophysiological conditions. Based on the results of scientific research, the features of the manifestation of sensorimotor reactions of representatives of martial arts and sports games were revealed. Thus, analysis of the reaction time to a moving object showed that the difference between the values is not statistically reliable (p>0,05). The number of advanced reactions is more for representatives of sports games (n=16, M=-6,14 ms) for single fighters more late reactions (n=18, M=14 ms). A study of the reaction to a change in the size of the
object indicates that single wrestlers statistically reliably (p<0,001) performed this test better than representatives of sports games. The number of clicks during test tapping in single wrestlers is statistically significantly more (p<0,05) than representatives of sports games. It was determined that there were no statistically significant differences (p>0,05) between the measures that were obtained by measuring the selection reaction. Conclusions. Training and competitive activity has
an influence on the formation of the necessary sensorimotor reactions in athletes. Analysis of the results of the tests «Reaction to a moving object» and «Reaction of choice» showed that the difference between the indicators of the studied athletes is not statistically reliable (p>0,05), this is due to the type of activity that activates the same mechanisms for the formation of these types of reactions both in representatives of sports games and martial arts. The analysis of the results of the test tapping by martial artists and representatives of sports games showed statistically reliable differences (p<0,05), this indicates a higher level of mobility of the nervous system and its endurance in martial artists.

Author Biographies

Vyacheslav Romanenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Nataliy Veretelnikova, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

senior lecturer of the department of physical culture and health

Andrey Vovk, Kharkiv V. Karazin National University

Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Sport


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