Optimization of the physical fitness of qualified freestyle wrestlers
wrestlers, training, tests, speed, coordination, strength, flexibility, speed-strength qualitiesAbstract
Purpose: is to optimize the process of physical training of qualified freestyle wrestlers with the help of the proposed sets of exercises. Material and methods. the study involved two groups of qualified wrestlers aged 17-19 years old and had sports qualifications from CMS to MS of Ukraine. The composition of each group consisted of 10 athletes who studied at the Kherson Higher School of Physical Culture. The conditions and duration of training were exactly the same. During the period of quarantine and the absence of training sessions in specialized halls, the athletes performed the task that the coach provided them remotely during a specially organized video call. After the weakening of quarantine and the resumption of classes in gyms and outdoors, the wrestlers of the control group continued to train according to the standard plan without focusing on increasing the level of physical fitness and using a special technique. In the experimental group, the coach made certain adjustments to the training process. So, at the end of the main part of the lesson, he provided the wrestlers with additional sets of exercises aimed at improving the indicators of both general and special physical fitness. The complexes included various exercises with rubber bands and expanders, various additional weights, as well as exercises in pairs with partner weights. The use of such complexes of exercises made it possible to significantly differentiate the load according to the capabilities of each of the wrestlers. The complexes were performed using the method of interval standardized exercise. Results: it was found that after the completion of the study, due to the use of a special technique, more significant changes occurred in the experimental group than in the control group. The maximum percentage of growth in the experimental group was: general physical training - pull-up test (45 %), according to SPT - wrestling bridge test (21,3 %); in the control group: according to general physical training - long jump test from a place (4 %), according to SFP - wrestling bridge test (4 %). During the mathematical analysis of the obtained results, it was found that significant differences are observed in the results of the wrestlers of the experimental group. Thus, the difference between the initial and final test indicators in pull-ups on the crossbar turned out to be significantly better (t=2,314 at p<0,05). Among the indicators of the level of special physical fitness, it was found that the results of the test «wrestling bridge» significantly changed to the best (t=2,471 at p<0,05). Conclusions. It was experimentally established that the achievement of significant positive changes in the indicators of general and special physical fitness of qualified freestyle wrestlers became possible due to the use of a special technique in the training work, which was used in parallel with the implementation of the main volume of the training session. The training of athletes at different stages of long-term training of athletes becomes possible due to the use of modern approaches and priority areas of work, among which one of the leading places is occupied by general and special physical training.
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