Influence of means of sports struggle on a level of development of separate motor abilities of pupils of senior classes
wrestling, physical fitness, motor skills, physical education lesson, the seniorsAbstract
Purpose: to improve the physical education of secondary school students on the basis of elements of wrestling. Material and methods Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. MS Excel was used for statistical data processing and graphical presentation of results. Results: the publication examines the issue of improving the physical education of secondary school students on the basis of elements of struggle. The authors developed a program of physical culture with elements of wrestling and experimentally tested its effectiveness. The pedagogical experiment was conducted during 2020/2021 academic year. Two tenth grades took part in the pedagogical experiment, one of which was a control class and the other an experimental class. Students of the experimental group were engaged once a week in physical culture for 45 minutes according to the developed program of physical culture with elements of wrestling. Students of the control group were engaged in the current program of physical culture. The obtained experimental data show that the most intensive classes in the elements of wrestling in physical education classes affect the absolute strength, endurance, speed and strength training and agility of students. Conclusions. Application of the developed program with elements of sports struggle allows to carry out the differentiated approach at planning of educational process, dosing of physical activities, to increase motor density and intensity of employment taking into account individual morphological features and level of physical readiness of pupils. The obtained experimental data allow to reasonably create and use in the educational process a program of physical culture with elements of wrestling in physical education lessons of secondary school students.
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