Handball in the reflection of collectibles
kickboxing, collecting, philately, faleristics, numismaticsAbstract
Purpose: to study the
issue of the reflection of kickboxing in a variety of collectibles, such as philately, faleristics and
numismatics. Material and methods. This study was conducted in September-October 2021. During
the research work, the method of in-depth literary-critical analysis of available scientific sources of
information was used using reference books, encyclopedias, catalogs, specialized periodicals,
Internet resources. Results: this study provides information on the popularity of kickboxing as
reflected in collectibles. The following collectibles are presented - philately, faleristics and
numismatics. The obtained data and their analysis indicate that in the collectibles, in a fairly
complete volume, materials are presented that tell about the popularity and place of this type of
martial arts, among other, similar sports, as well as about competitions of various levels, in
kickboxing, held in the world. Kickboxing is most actively represented in foreign philately,
commemorative and award medals, on badges. Conclusions. According to the results of the study,
it was determined that for many years, in the world's collectibles, such a type of martial arts as
kickboxing has been actively promoted, with the reflection in philately, numismatics and faleristics,
the most important sporting events in the world of this sport, as at the level of a separate state , and
championships of the continent, the world. Modern collectibles are capable, in a fairly complete,
accessible, colorful and informative way, to convey all the necessary information about the events
taking place in this type of martial arts, taking place all over the world. Modern collecting primarily thematic, is one of the most effective means of expanding the sphere of knowledge in the
studied issue and, in a very non-standard way of presenting interesting additional information
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