Link of cognitive functions from special training of qualified boxers
boxing, cognitive functions, special performance, qualified athletes, correlation analysisAbstract
Purpose: to establish links of cognitive
functions from special training of qualified boxers. Material and methods. Preceding victorious
methods have been used: analysis of scientific-methodical information and dzherel to the Internet;
chronodynamometry; psychophysiological methods of education; methods of mathematical
statistics. There were 26 qualified boxers in bulo, 18-24 years old. According to the index of
creatine phosphate preceding of all boxers, there were two different groups. The first group with a
high level of performance (from 200 and above conventional units) and a group with a low level of
special performance (below 200 conventional units). Before the first group, 12 individuals were
consumed, before the other – 14 athletes. Results: on the basis of the analysis of scientific-methodical information, the Internet connection and communication of the advanced practical
information in the field of sports was established, and the structure of sports martial arts, and
especially boxing, is characterized by the call of synchronization between the two sportsmen and the conversion For an effective reception of information, analysis and acceptance of the solution of
a similar response to the supernatural, it is necessary to activate cognitive functions, such as:
verbal and non-verbal intelligence and memory. A correlation analysis was carried out for the
development of the peculiarities of the links in the special prasezdatnost and the cognitive
characteristics. Conclusions. The results of a correlation analysis between special training and
indicators of the cognitive test «Establishing Regularities» allowed for the emergence of reliable
links among boxers because of the high level of precision of special performance indicators and
efficiency. Boxers due to the decrease in the level of special praise rate help to achieve a reliable
correlation without being an indicator of productivity. An analysis of the results in the field of
special training and indicators of the cognitive test «Correspondence of numbers» has shown the
prevalence of correlation in boxers due to the high level of special training. Boxers due to the
decrease in the level of special performance help to promote the appearance of reliable links due to
the indicators of efficiency, latency and stability. Carrying out a correlation analysis between
special training and indicators of the cognitive test «Memory for words» has shown in the absence
of one basic connection between special training and performance indicators among boxers due to
low reduction. Boxers from the highest level of special prazdatnosty reliable correlation links in the
tests are not possible.
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