Dynamics of special physical training of qualified MMA fighters during the preparatory period of the macrocycle when performing shock equipment
mixed martial arts, qualified fighters, special physical training, interval training method, Interval-circular training method, training aidsAbstract
Purpose: to determine the influence of the experimental training program for qualified mixed
martial arts fighters of 18-19 years old on their special physical fitness when performing shock
actions. Material and methods. The study involved seven athletes 18-19 years old (all athletes -
KMSU) department of mixed martial arts ODYUSSH «Dinamovets» in Zhitomir. A training
program for qualified junior mixed martial arts fighters was developed using interval and interval-circular training methods with a wide range of general, special and competitive training means.
The training program is designed for 15 weeks (may 17 - august 27, 2021) in the preparatory
period of the macrocycle, therefore its predominant focus was towards physical fitness. Research
methods: analysis of scientific theoretical sources, conversations with specialists, pedagogical
observations, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the dynamics of
special physical readiness of qualified fighters was investigated, under the influence of an
experimental training program, when performing percussion technique. The study of the dynamics
of special physical readiness when performing a series of punches with hands showed significant
positive shifts in the total force of punches with hands during the execution of an 8-second series
(t=3,02; p˂0.05) and a 40-second series of punches (t=7,69; p˂0,001). The result of the average
force of strikes (t=2,21; p˂0,05) in a 40-second series of strikes also noticeably improved. The
study of the dynamics of special physical readiness when performing a series of strikes with the
dominant leg revealed positive changes in the total force of strikes in the 8-second (t=3,33; p˂0,01)
and 40-second (t=5,39; p˂0,001) tests. The high-speed component of the striking technique did not
undergo significant positive changes, although there is a tendency towards positive dynamics
(p>0,05). Conclusions. It was determined that the introduction of an experimental training
program into the educational and training process of 18-19 year old mixed martial arts fighters
made it possible to improve the special physical fitness of the fighters when performing specific
striking techniques. In five studied indicators, a significant positive trend was obtained, confirmed
by mathematical calculations. Significant positive changes in the total strength in the series of
punches with the hands and the dominant leg were determined both in the 8-second and in the 40-
second tests (p˂0,05 - p˂0,001). We also found a significant positive dynamics in the average force
of punches in the 40-second test (p˂0,05).
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